- Murrieta Valley High
- Español I - click for more
- Español I - Apuntes (sem. 1)
Apuntes - Etapa Preliminar (EP): texto pp 1-21 - MP páginas 1-8.
Etapa Preliminar:
I Greetings: Hola, BD, BT, BN
II Exchanging names: Introduce yourself first, then ask for their name, then ask that person for someone else's name
Me llamo____________. ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Cómo se llama (point to someone)? Answer by saying: Se llama __________ (give name).
III Exhanging origins: Give your origin forst, then ask for thier origin, then ask that person for someone else's origin.
Soy de (give a Spanish Speaking country for fun☺). ¿De dónde eres? ¿De dónde es (point to someone)? Answer by saying Es de (give "país")
IV Exchanging phone numbers: give yours first, then ask for theirs, then ask that person for someone else's.
Mi teléfono es (_ _ _)_ _ _ - _ _ _ _. ¿Cuál es tu teléfono? ¿Cuál es el teléfono de...(point to someone)? Answer: Su teléfono es...
V Talk about days of the week:
¿Qué día es hoy? Hoy es jueves. ¿Qué día es mañana? Mañana es viernes. (hoy = today and mañana = tomorrow)
VI Spell your nickname...or anything that makes you happy☺
21 Spanish Speaking countries mneumonic
Talk to people (Spanish speakers, Spanish learners and even non-Spanish speakers)! Engage them in small conversation☺. Be nice and have fun with Spanish☺. Record these small "chats" in your spiral notebook as "Spanish Experiences"☺.