- Learn@Home
- Overview
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Who can enroll at Learn@Home?
Our primarily parent-led (homeschooling option) instructional program through Learn@Home is supported for our TK-5 students, while our primarily teacher-led program (virtual/blended option) is supported for our 6-8 students. *These programs may also be available for students in High School through Murrieta Canyon Academy.
Primarily parent-led program (homeschooling option)-At the young elementary grades, much of the learning is parent directed/supported and students in this age group may require high levels of structure and support. As students age, this type of program is most suited for learners that are independent, organized and who stay on track with minimal support. Parents will still need to provide high levels of support to ensure that the student is completing the required lessons and work in order to continue to make academic gains.
Our program is open to families in Murrieta and its surrounding communities within Riverside and its adjacent Counties. Families outside our district boundaries will need to secure an inter-district transfer from their designated school district. Please contact our office for guidance on where to begin or please visit our website for more information.
Is this a charter school?
No, the MVUSD Learn@Home program is NOT a charter school. It is a personalized program operated within MVUSD designed for families who prefer a non-traditional and flexible instructional model and schooling option to meet the needs of their student.
Is this similar to Distance Learning or Virtual Learning?
No, this is not a Virtual or Distance Learning model experienced by students because of the pandemic and physical closures of schools. There may be some virtual components (Learning Labs, teacher meetings, and access to virtual modules). Parents will be the primary instructors of their student's lessons and learning using the MVUSD provided curriculum. New state guidance may require that students participate in some direct instruction from our Partner Teachers on a daily basis depending on the grade level. More information will be made available regarding these requirements as they apply to our program.
Can my child with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) access this program?
Yes, a student on an IEP may access this program. If a student has an IEP, an IEP meeting will be held to consider a change of placement into the home-based learning program that can best meet the student’s needs prior to enrollment. Services may still be provided (such Speech, OT, psychological counseling etc.) and will be based on the student’s offer of FAPE within the recommended change of placement.
If I enroll my child in the Learn@Home program, what options do they have to switch back to on-site schooling? Do they commit to a whole year, or can they switch back easily if it doesn’t work out?
The Learn@Home program is optional and voluntary. A parent may elect to return their child/children to a traditional model (if available per county safety guidelines) at any time their family circumstances or student needs change. The only caveat is, if your child’s designated or resident school site is at capacity (no room available for their particular grade level), they may be offered an alternate site until a space opens up. There is no long-term commitment with remaining with this option. Our program administrator may also make the recommendation to switch your child back to a traditional instructional model if they are not being successful in meeting the work completion, not making adequate academic progress with provided supports through our re-engagement efforts or if the master/learning agreement is not being adhered to.
Does MVUSD provide activity stipends to students/families participating in the Learn@Home program?
Per Ed Code Section 51747.3 (a) As a Local Educational Agency (LEA), we are prohibited from providing any funds or other things of value to the pupil or his or her parent or guardian that our district does not provide to pupils who attend regular classes or to their parents or guardians.
What if a child is not vaccinated?
Our Learn@Home program operates under Independent Study Ed. Code guidelines which stipulate that students participating in this program and do not receive classroom-based instruction [pursuant to Article 5.5 (commencing with Section 51745) of Chapter 5 of Part 28 of the Education Code] are not subject to immunization requirements.
While immunization requirements are not in effect for students participating in Independent Study programming, records of immunizations will still be requested and documented as made available at the time of enrollment pursuant to SB 277.
Immunizations are required for students who would like access to participate in school activities such as, school award assemblies, arts lessons or special guests, school plays, field trips, band, color guard, athletics or other group activities.
Is the MVUSD Learn@Home available to families not residing within MVUSD district boundaries?
Yes, families residing outside our district boundaries will need to secure an inter-district transfer from their designated school district. Please contact our office for guidance on where to begin. Enrollment within our program may begin once an inter-district transfer is secured from the releasing district and approved by MVUSD.
If my child is enrolled with Learn@Home, will testing/assessments be completed?
Yes, some ongoing testing may be completed at home under your supervision. However, in order to ensure consistent academic progress monitoring of your child’s needs, our Partner Teachers will complete/proctor some testing and assessments as well. In addition, students enrolled with Learn@Home are required to be offered the same state assessments that are offered to our students that participate in traditional schooling.
Is there flexibility in the core curriculum accessed through Learn@Home?
Learn@Home students will be provided with the same curriculum as learners participating in our traditional programs. In addition, our Learn@Home students will have access to the online supplemental programs available to all district (same grade level) students. The flexibility of this instructional method of study allows students to complete courses at their own pace—either accelerated (for advanced students) or with additional support and practice for those who struggle. District adopted curriculum through other programs may also be employed if it best meets your student’s needs.
What calendar does the Learn@Home program follow?
Our Learn@Home program follows the same district calendar which may be viewed and accessed here.
Are the age requirements for TK enrollment the same for Learn@Home?
Yes, we follow the same enrollment requirements which may be found here.
How does a family enroll?
Families may submit a priority interest form by visiting the home page of the district’s website, www.murrieta.k12.ca.us or by emailing: learnathome@mvusd.org or they may call 951-304-1592 for further inquiries.
If you have additional questions or would like more information, please contact Learn@Home Principal, Matt Bean, at 951-696-1600 ext. 3159 or via email mbean@murrieta.k12.ca.us