Special Education Parent Advisory Committee
What is SEPAC?
- We are parents of special education students in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District.
- We are dedicated to working with school staff, educators, administrators, and each other to enhance the learning experiences of our children.
It is the purpose of SEPAC to develop a positive and knowledgeable partnership between the parents and caregivers of children with exceptional needs and the professionals who serve them, by providing resources through support, training and community awareness programs.
- To develop communication channels between individuals with exceptional needs and/or their parents or guardians, school district administrators, and professional staff.
- To make available a support system by which individuals with exceptional needs and/or their parents or guardians and the professionals who serve them may express their needs and concerns for their children's educational progress by providing a method of directing the concerned individual to the appropriate person.
- To provide members with an annual survey to determine the areas of need. The information will be used by the Executive Committee in recommending annual priorities.
- To assist in parent education and to function as a support group for students and/or parents or guardians of students with exceptional needs, and the professionals who serve them by conducting information programs on an individual or group basis, and maintaining a communication network.
2022-2023 SEPAC Workshops and Events
Tuesday, October 4 – Location: Shivela Middle School - 6:00 -7:30 PM
Topic: ABC's of IEP's - Open to all SpEd families.
Tuesday, December 6 – Location: Shivela Middle School 6:00 - 7:30 PM
Event: Community Resource Fair
Tuesday, March 7, 2023 – Location: Vista Murrieta High School
Topic: Staff Recognition
Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - TBD
SEPAC Co-Chairs
Name Phone # Email Preston, Zhanna 951-696-1600 x1042 zpreston@murrieta.k12.ca.us Mapramook, Mayra erikamapramook@icloud.com Acosta, Jacqueline 951-719-6125 rjacmosta@twc.co Lawler, Ashley 951-553-6059 ashleylawler82@gmail.com Cathey, Amanda 714-803-9727 amanda.j.cathey@gmail.com Kirshberg, Ivy 714-724-1010 ikirshberg@yahoo.com