- Murrieta Valley Unified School District
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About the Transportation Department
Our Mission Statement
To support the education of students by providing safe, reliable and efficient transportation to all learning and extra-curricular activities and experiences in the most secure positive environment possible.
Vision Statement
To continue to enhance our systems to safely and efficiently provide transportation services for our students by collaborating with our community to ensure that student transportation is a productive extension of the classroom.

TK - 6th grade Bus Pass Applications will be opening July 14, 2025.
All other grade levels (7-12th) will be available July 21, 2025.
Pass Eligibility
Murrieta Valley USD offers transportation ONLY for eligible students living within their assigned home school and living more than :
- 1.0 aerial mile from their home to elementary school
- 2.0 aerial miles from their home to middle school
- 3.0 aerial miles from their home to high school
Other eligibility is based on the student's Individual Education Program (IEP).
Pass Fees
2024/2025 Full Price Annual Bus Passes Due Pass First Second Family 3+ Date Child Child Children Aug. 14 Annual Pass $395 $365 $1,095 1 way Pass $260 $245 $660 Sept. 3 Annual Pass $395 $365 $1,095 1 way Pass $260 $245 $660 Oct. 1 Annual Pass $322 $298 $894 1 way Pass $212 $200 $539 Nov. 4 Annual Pass $272 $251 $754 1 way Pass $179 $168 $455 Dec. 2 Annual Pass $241 $223 $669 1 way Pass $158 $150 $404 Winter Break 12/23/24 - 1/10/25 Jan. 14 Annual Pass $208 $193 $578 1 way Pass $137 $129 $349 Feb. 3 Annual Pass $180 $166 $499 1 way Pass $118 $112 $301 Mar. 3 Annual Pass $140 $130 $389 1 way Pass $92 $87 $235 Spring Break 3/31/25 - 4/4/25 Apr. 7 Annual Pass $96 $89 $268 1 way Pass $63 $60 $161 May 1 Annual Pass $57 $53 $158 1 way Pass $37 $35 $95 June 2 Annual Pass $0 $0 $0 Last day of school - Friday - June 6, 2025 -
Apply for Bus Pass
Our new bus pass system is available 24/7 and will allow families to:
Purchase school year bus passes from any device.
Auto-check rider eligibility for bus transportation.
Once you register for a new account, confirmation is sent via email. Please check your spam/junk/other email folder for the MVUSD confirmation email sent.