2024/2025 Transportation Fees

    • The payment processing system will automatically adjust and discount the final purchase amount for orders/carts with two or more passes. 


    • Students who qualified for free and reduced-price services last year are annotated in our Aeries Student Information System. This information is then tagged as part of the bus pass processing system. Therefore, all transportation fees will be waived during the final step of the registration process to show a balance of 0 at the time of processing. 


    • Families currently receiving state or federal assistance or whose circumstances may have changed since last school year, are encouraged to apply for free/reduced services using the National School Breakfast and Lunch application. Qualifying for this extends to other school district services, community (Operation School Bell), and state assistance programs. Only 1 application per family is needed. Factors considered in the application process are household size and total house income. Household size considers all persons, related or unrelated: including parents, children, grandparents who live in your home and share living expenses. This TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME is the income each household member received last month before taxes - this includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other cash income. 


    • Free/Reduced Lunch application approval may take up to 10 days. Once approved, please forward the approval of the Free Meal Program to mvusdbuspass@murrieta.k12.ca.us with your student’s name, 9-digit student ID number, and type of transportation needed (one way or roundtrip). Application to qualify for free school fees: Click Here! 
22-23 Transportation Fees-Fall/Winter

For the safety of our student riders, student address in AERIES must be current throughout the entire school year.

  • Receiving Your School Bus Pass

    • For the first two weeks of school, bus drivers will take roll call at the beginning of every ride (similar to the classroom). Students in middle and high school will be asked to show their school I.D. upon entering the bus. 
    • Bus passes will be given to the students on the school bus by the driver after the first two weeks of school. 
    • Your child may ride the bus during this period; there is no need to visit the district support center. 
    • If, after ten days, your child still does not have a pass, please call the Transportation Department at 951-696-1600 x1195 or email mvusdbuspass@mvusd.k12.ca.us

    School Bus Pass Replacement

    • If you change your address during the school year, please contact Transportation so we can issue a bus pass with the correct route number and bus stop.
    • Your address must be updated in AERIES before requesting a new bus pass.
    • To update your student's AERIES account during the school year, you must go into the school's office and update your address in person.

    School Bus Program Facts

    • The Transportation Department provides approximately 3,000 students with safe and efficient school bus transportation daily.
    • MVUSD's Safety and Training staff provide annual mobility and transportation training as well as extensive CHP mandated training for all bus drivers, aides, dispatchers and other transportation staff. 
    • Our fleet of transportation vehicles and buses are inspected annually by CHP.
    • Riding a school bus is much safer than using any other form of transportation - including personal vehicles, railroad and airline travel  

Last Modified on June 21, 2024