- Murrieta Elementary
- Overview
General Information
Visitors are required to sign in at the office during the instructional day (8:30-2:45). They will be issued a visitor badge. We welcome visitors but must ensure the safety of our students. Please fill out the Megan's Law Verification form if you will be working in the classroom.
Morning Arrival
Supervision begins at 8:15. Please do not send your child to school earlier than 8:15 as there will be no adult on the playground.
School Telephones
Phones are limited to school business and emergencies. Children will be permitted to use the phone only in an emergency. Plans for after school activities should be made at home before the school day. Students and teachers should not be asked to come to the phone when classes are in session, except in an emergency.
Report Cards
Reporting periods are every semester and mid semester. They are designed to give you a written report on the educational progress of your child.
Parent Teacher conferences are held at the end of the first quarter for all students. Spring conferences may be requested by either the teacher or parent. Please make every effort to attend them. Parents are encouraged to conference with the teacher at any time throughout the year. An appointment may be made by leaving a message for the teacher at the office or in writing.
Lost and Found
Lost and found is located in the back of the Multi-Purpose room. Please mark your child's sweaters, jackets, backpacks, lunch boxes etc. for easy identification. Small items are turned into the office. Parents are invited to check the lost and found. We are not responsible for personal toys, games or other personal items that should not be brought to school.
Any student riding a bike to school must supply a lock. Bikes must be stored in the fenced bike rack area. Students riding to school must wear bicycle helmets.
Skateboards, skates and rollerblades are not allowed on the school grounds at any time. Bikes are not allowed on the main campus.Lunches
Nutritious meals are available for purchase for breakfast and lunch in addition to a la carte items during lunch and breaks. . Menus are sent home monthly and posted on-line. There are two ways to pre-pay for meals and pre-payment discounts are offered. Applications for free or reduced price lunches are available from Nutrition Services.
Lunches must be ordered between 8:15 and 8:30 in the cafeteria. If you apply for free or reduced price lunches, applications must be submitted and approved each year. Students bringing lunches from home, may purchase milk from the cafeteria. If your child forgets his/her lunch, bring it to the office with your child's name and room number clearly marked. We will make a special area in the cafeteria where it can be claimed at lunchtime, without interrupting instructional time. Students who forget to pay for or bring a lunch will be provided with an alternate lunch.Snacks
Each class has a snack period at the beginning of the morning recess (early afternoon for PM kindergarten). Snacks are eaten at the outdoor picnic tables in the shade. Younger students especially benefit from a nutritious snack. Please avoid soft drinks, sugary snacks, candy or other "junk food". Fruit, half a sandwich and crunchy vegetables are especially good energy boosters.