- Rail Ranch Elementary
- Principal's Message
Dear RRES Families,I am thrilled to welcome you back to school for another great year! Whether you are a new orreturning student, you ARE a Red-Tailed Hawk, and part of this amazing community of learners!I am honored to be serving as the new Principal of Rail Ranch. This will be my 24th year in education,the last four as the Red-Tailed Hawk Assistant Principal! Previously, I was a Teacher on SpecialAssignment, coaching teams in Positive School Climate, and I have taught 6th, 4th and 2nd grades.My husband and I live in Temecula with our three children, two cats, Lucky the Tortoise, and a couple ofcrazy Boston Terriers!My heart remains in the work of ensuring all students have a positive school experience where they feelseen, valued, and respected. At Rail Ranch we C.A.R.E. for all students, staff, and families by fostering asense of belonging and cultivating a culture of inclusivity. We know that to teach minds we must firstreach hearts. Our emphasis on strong academic achievement starts with the relationships we build. Weare committed to working together with families for the best possible outcomes for our students.Throughout the school year, I hope you will be an active participant in your child's education. There ispower in the partnership we create between home and school, and we value your perspective. Takeadvantage of the many opportunities to get involved, come to our Friday Morning Sings, or just stop by tosay hello!It’s going to be an amazing year!Sincerely,Mrs. Lynn Nord
Last Modified on July 25, 2024