- Rail Ranch Elementary
- School Supplies
School Supplies needs/wish list is below:
Please send in the following personal school supplies for your child to keep in their desk and use throughout the school year, if you are able to.I will have items in the class also for students to use if needed. LABEL all items with child's first name last initials.
Individual student needs/wishes if you can: I will supply students with some items if they do not have. I also will have class supplies
- I will provide the students with a homework folder!!
*Since I know many students like to have 3-ring binders, parents can choose to purchase these. However, due to desk space they will be stored in backpacks and only used for storing and transporting papers.
- Personal Headphones (no earbuds) ---Labeled with name (Students will need these for the classroom and computer lab)
- 2 Spiral notebooks (one for school and one for home)
- Ruler and protractor if possible
- Pencil pouch- zippered to store items in desk preferred (pencil boxes are okay but tend to get in the way or fall)
- Pencils (or mechanical pencils are best with lots of lead) - more is always better (leave a supply at home too)
- Pencil top erasers or pink erasers
- Box of crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils
- 4+ Dry erase markers - (2+ for school and 2 at home). They will need to keep some at school to use inside the classroom and will also need for homework. The skinny markers are best to write with, but any type is fine.
- 2 Scissors (1 for school and 1 for home)
- Glue sticks/glue
- 2 highlighters
If you are able to, I'd love for students to have:
- Access to the device to do online work, practice, research, or projects
Supplies for School:
- Backpack
- Waterbottle (with screw top-no straw cups to protect technology). There are refill stations on campus that students can use.
- Mini hand sanitizers
- Small snack for recess break (lunch is late in the day).
I will supply the students with:
- I will provide the students with a homework folder to take home and return each day.
- Also with other supplies they may need.
****We are always in need of school supplies. If you are able to donate, here are some items we can use all year. The weekly newsletter/email will note items we need as we proceed throughout the school year.
Thank you so much for your help and support! Again only if you can!
- Baby wipes (used for cleaning hands/desks) A LOT!!!!!!
- Kleenex (A LOT)
- Rewards for Treasure Box (anything your children like)
- Computer/Copy paper
- Scissors
- Dry erase markers
- Glue sticks
- Pencils
- Post-Its
- Sharpie markers
- Hand Sanitizer
Thank you for your support!
Ms. McKenzie