• Library Policies


  • Please help your children to remember to bring their library books on their library day. Visiting the library and checking out books is a privilege and we expect all students to take care of their books and return them on time. Teach your children to be responsible and take care of their library books to avoid fines.


    Book Check Out

    Each teacher has a scheduled weekly library time when they visit the library to check out books. Books are due on the next scheduled library day and can be renewed if the student has not finished the book/s. To renew a book, students must bring the book/s to the library.

    Students are welcome to return their books as soon as they are finished with them. They do not have to wait until their library day. Students can return books during their recess or lunch breaks.

    If a student has an overdue book, or book fines, they will not be allowed to check out library materials until their outstanding books are returned or fines are paid.  

    Fines: Lost or Damaged Books

    Fines are incurred when books are lost (not returned within 3 weeks) or damaged. Fines are payable to the library in CASH only. Lost books can be replaced by the same title or series.  Please contact Cindy Green at 951-696-1401 x2388 if you have questions about how to replace a lost book or to discuss any financial harships.

    End of Year

    Students with outstanding library fines or unreturned books will not get their yearbook or report card. Fifth grade students will not be able to register at their middle school or get schedules and textbooks if they have outstanding fines or unreturned library materials. Be aware -- fines follow your child to their next grade level.  Please teach your children to be responsible with their books to avoid fines.

  • Take Care

  • Book Care

    Please monitor your kids and ensure they are taking care of borrowed materials from the library.

    • Read them with clean hands.
    • Please no eating or drinking (especially sticky or greasy foods) when they are reading their books.
    • No writing or coloring in books.
    • Keep library materials away from pets and young siblings.
    • Keep books clean and dry.
    • *Tip - provide a large or oversize ziplock bag for your kids to put their library books in while in their backpacks. This keeps the books from getting bent, ripped and wet should their water bottle leak.
    • Do not take your library books into the bathroom to read.
    • Keep them safe in your backpack so the pages and covers do not get bent or torn.
    • Don't drop, throw, kick, toss, etc. them or leave them outside.

    Please take care of our school’s library books so that others may enjoy them for years to come. If you check out a book and notice damage, tell Mrs. Green right away and return your library books on time!

Last Modified on November 8, 2023