
Buchanan's Technology Plan

  • Buchanan Elementary School Technology Plan

    School History and Description

    Buchanan Elementary School opened in August 2001 as the eighth elementary school in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District. Our mascot, The Trailblazers, represents our community’s past and its vision for blazing new trails into the 21st century. With an enrollment of 1,065 students, Buchanan Elementary is a 2010 recipient of the California Distinguished School Award and a Title 1 school, serving a diverse population with varied and individual educational, social, and emotional needs. Through the collaboration and support of teachers, parents, and the community, students at Buchanan build foundational skills that provide them with the building blocks of literacy, numeracy, technology, thinking skills, and social skills so that they may feel confident as learners and contributors, as we prepare them to be college and career-ready in our ever changing society.


    Technology Plan Mission Statement

    Buchanan Elementary School aims to provide, in partnership with the parents and community, a quality education so that all students are able to achieve their full potential. As a part of this quality education, we believe each student should develop skills in a broad range of technologies to enhance lifelong learning.


    Technology Plan Vision Statement

    The faculty and staff at Buchanan Elementary School believe that technology skills and knowledge are necessary in order to compete in a global economy. Our beliefs are:

    • faculty and staff should be competent in technology
    • students should be provided with a broad range of technology instruction
    • students should be actively engaged in technology
    • students should exercise the rights and responsibilities of technology citizenship
    • all stakeholders share responsibility for technological progress.


    Existing Resources

    Technology Resources

    How They Are Being Used

    2-5 Computers in each classroom


    Fastmath, Razkids, ScootPad, Spelling City, More Starfall, Power Points, Reading AtoZ, System 44, Khan Academy, Read/Math 180, iRead, United Streaming


    Presentation stations (projector mounted /elmo) in each classroom, computer labs, and library.

    Daily lessons, student and teacher presentations, teaching/streaming video


    Computer lab (4) equipped with 34 Dell desktop computers


    Above mentioned ELA and math programs

    Interactive whiteboards (Naerbo/Nyqvist)?

    Enhance student learning


    Read 180 Lab (2)

    Replacement Language Arts Curriculum in 4th and 5th


    Math 180 Lab with 15 laptops

    Piloting replacement math curriculum in 5th grade


    Mini iPads (K-3)

    K-3 (6/teacher) Small group instruction

    SPED small group instruction

    *See attached grade level tech plans

    Chromebooks (4-5) 50 total/25per grade level


    Student research and presentations

    SPED small group instruction

    *See attached grade level tech plans


    Teacher Ipads (40)

    Support student learning through Doceri and other interactive sites. Conducting assessments such as ESGI.

    Teacher Computers (40)


    New Resources

    As class size reduction continues to be implemented throughout the site, the number of devices will shift from a device:teacher ratio to a student:device ratio. This will maintain access and opportunity for all students to utilize technology to support their learning. As we continue to apply Common Core Standards throughout all grade levels, we are shifting our students from being consumers of information to producers. Students will be expected to have more fluency and automaticity with technology in and out of the classroom. As more devices are added to the classroom, teachers will be better equipped to support the technology component of the CCSC. Should funding become available, our ultimate goal is to provide our students with a 1:1 Student:Device ratio to best support them as digital natives-as they prepare to be productive members of our increasingly competitive and technology based workplace.

    As funds become available, outdated technology is replaced with benchmark equipment. New and current technology is reviewed and demonstrated so that our faculty can keep abreast of the latest equipment and software. The school technology committee and leadership team decide on final purchases after getting input from staff.






    New iPad Mini

    K-3 Teachers

    K Ratio 5:1

    1-3 Ratio 6:1



    Add mini iPads to K-3

    K-3 - 6 per teacher

    SPED ratio based on class size


    **Supplementing new teachers so their students have the same access to tech. that all in the same grade level

    Add mini iPads to K-3

    K-3 Ratio 3:1*

    *Ratio shifts to Student:Device


    **Supplementing new teachers so their students have the same access to tech. that all in the same grade level

    Add mini iPads to K-3

    K-3 Ratio 2:1*

    Ratio again is Student:Device


    **Supplementing new teachers so their students have the same access to tech. that all in the same grade level

    New Chromebooks

    4-5 (10 per grade level)

    Ratio 5:1



    New Chromebooks Grades 4-5

    25 per grade level

    New Chromebooks Grades 4-5 Ratio 3:1*

    *Ratio shifts to Student:Device

    New Chromebooks Grades 4-5 Ratio 3:1*

    *Ratio shifts to Student:Device

    Supporting SDC with technology

    Providing appropriate devices to support learning goals


    Continue to support SDC with technology

    Continue to support SDC with technology

    Continue to support SDC with technology

    Ceiling mounting presentation stations in classrooms per teacher request (all 5th complete)


    Ceiling mounting presentation stations in classrooms K-5, including computer labs



    Add sound systems to all classrooms/library/ labs


    Maintain presentation stations in all classrooms

    Maintain presentation stations in all classrooms

    Add 19 teacher/student desktop computers


    Update/Replace desktops as needed

    Update/Replace desktops as needed

    Update/Replace desktops as needed

    Add 2 new computer labs 35 computers each

    To support SBAC and ongoing educational programs

    (1 primary/1 upper)


    Update/Maintain computers in all four computer labs


    *Completed - Replaced/Expired 20 outdated computers in Library Lab

    Update/Maintain computers in all four computer labs

    Update/Maintain computers in all four computer labs

    Train staff on Thinkcentral, IRead (K-2), Reading A to Z

    Continue to train staff on new technologies

    Continue to train staff on new technologies


    Training staff on Ipads and Chromebooks

    Training students on iPad/Chromebooks/ appropriate use of technology for education

    -Modeling programs for students.

    -2nd grade introducing keyboarding

    -Using tech-based projects and assignments to determine progress


    Technology Action Plan

    The goals for Buchanan Elementary School’s faculty, staff, and students are:

    • to enhance faculty & staff competencies in technology
    • to incorporate technology across the curriculum
    • to encourage students to use technology
    • to orient students about the various forms of technology


    Outcome On Student Learning

    The use of technology should:

    • Enhance the acquisition of lifelong learning skills by students;

    • Support, complement and enhance instruction and model for students the use of

    technology in secondary education and in the workplace;

    • Foster individual and cooperative problem solving for students in the learning process

    and for staff in the decision making of curriculum and services;

    • Be made available to all students to use either during or after school hours to

    accommodate those whose families do not have a personal computer.


    Training and Support

    The faculty and staff of BES will participate in professional development that focuses on the awareness and use of technologies that enhance student learning and instructional practices.


    2013-14 (ongoing)

    A District release day was provided so that all staff will be trained on Haiku LMS (Learning Management System) by the end of the school year.

    All K-3 students and teachers were trained by District representative on Mini Ipads. All students signed an appropriate use contract for the mini iPads.

    Apps have been selected and installed in the fall and again during the winter break for K-3 mini iPads.

    All staff will be trained on Aires.net in May 2014 by Director of Technology.

    Teacher in grades 4-5 were trained on Chromebooks and Google Apps by District Representative.

    Each grade level submitted its own technology plan that is used to show how student learning is supported through technology.

    Technology Committee

    Jennifer Randel, Principal

    James Curtis, Assistant Principal

    Shalee Kirk, Teacher, ITL

    Dana Morgan-Wilson, Teacher, ITC

    Technology Plan Review


    The Technology Committee, in conjunction with the Leadership team, will work with staff to identify benchmarks for technology at each grade level. The team will use the technology plans already submitted and update annually. As the Leadership Team develops budgets and goals for the year, the Technology Committee will assess progress being made and make any necessary adjustments.

    Continue to train staff on new technologies.


    The Technology Committee, in conjunction with the Leadership team, will work with staff to identify benchmarks for technology at each grade level. The team will use the technology plans already submitted and update annually. As the Leadership Team develops budgets and goals for the year, the Technology Committee will assess progress being made and make any necessary adjustments.

    Continue to train staff on new technologies.


    The Technology Committee, in conjunction with the Leadership team, will work with staff to identify benchmarks for technology at each grade level. The team will use the technology plans already submitted and update annually. As the Leadership Team develops budgets and goals for the year, the Technology Committee will assess progress being made and make any necessary adjustments.

    Continue to train staff on new technologies.


    Students will be measured according to technology based assignments, including digital presentations. Students will be acquiring keyboarding skills beginning at second grade where they will begin the foundation of proper keyboard functions.

    Through vertical planning, grade levels will plan what technology skills need to be addressed each year for students. For example: Kindergarten students being able to login to computer programs on their own by the end of the year may be their technology goal for now. Some key areas are: keyboarding, research, and production of digital presentations.