






    A weekly newsletter will be sent home each Monday describing some of the learning activities that will be taking place in our classroom and homework  assignments that are to be completed at home and returned to school on Friday.

    School Supplies

    Please send a backpack to school with your child daily so that papers can be transported neatly and safely to and from school. All School Supply donations are greatly appreciated throughout the school year (i.e.: pencils; erasers; glue sticks; crayons; lined paper; Xerox paper; staples; large paper clips; tape; cleaning supplies; etc.).


    Your child may bring a nutritious snack to eat at afternoon recess.


    Hot lunch tickets may be purchased for use daily or occasionally.


    Please write a brief note explaining your child's absences. Always check in the office when your child arrives late or leaves early.

    Medical Needs/Allergies

    If your child has any medical needs, allergies, etc., please let me know.

    Questions and Concerns

    Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone whenever you have a question or concern about any matter.

Last Modified on August 31, 2022