- Warm Springs Middle
- About Us
About Warm Springs
Warm Springs Middle School serves students in grades six through eight with a full range of programs including but not limited to: ASB, AVID, art, band, choir, annual drama productions, media technology, yearbook, intramural sports, at-risk intervention programs.
Student enrollment - 817
Mission Statement - Wildcats will be inspired to think, to learn, to achieve, and to care with Purpose, Rigor, Integrity, Determination, and Empowerment.
Year School Opened - Phase 1 of Warm Springs Middle School opened on August 14, 2002 with just under 700 students in grades 6 and 7. The next year WSMS added eighth grade, and by the beginning of 2004 phase 2 of the school site was completed.
Description of Campus - The school has 67classrooms, an administration office, food services building, covered lunch area, library with a computer lab, multi-purpose room/cafeteria, band and choir classroom, science building with eight science labs and a computer lab, a P.E. pavilion, athletic fields and a track.
Instructional Goals/Program - The administration, support staff, teachers, and parents are all active participants in providing direction and resources for the improvement of the instructional program at Warm Springs Middle School where students attend an academically challenging six-period school day. The curriculum centers on the core areas of language arts, math, social studies and science closely aligned with state standards and enhanced by physical education and exploratory courses. Regular classes, advanced classes in the core subjects, and intervention classes to improve basic skills are all designed to improve our students’ opportunities for success in high school.
Mascot and Colors - Warm Springs' students helped to choose the school’s mascot. Thanks to their suggestions, we are the Warm Springs Wildcats. The colors are light blue and white.
Feeder Schools - Elementary Schools:- Alta Murrieta Elementary
- Buchanan Elementary
- High School: Vista Murrieta High School
Tenets- Communication - Wildcats believe in clear, proactive communication that promotes a healthy, positive environment where all opinions are respected.
- Uncompromising integrity - Wildcats believe in being honest and taking responsibility for our own actions. We model positive behavior in every choice we make.
- Student Centered - Wildcats believe in providing a nurturing and flexible environment where students build self-esteem and feel safe to explore and expand their educational boundaries.
- Teamwork - Wildcats believe in working together and using everyone’s ideas to guarantee the success of the team.
- Environment - Wildcats believe in taking pride in the campus; in maintaining a nurturing school climate that is safe and secure; and in establishing a culture that promotes active learning.
- Respect - Wildcats believe in being respectful of themselves. We respect others' values, beliefs, ideas and differences. We are compassionate and kind toward others.
Vision Statement - Warm Springs Middle School will be recognized in the community as a safe, unique, state-of-the-art environment in which students take ownership and pride in their school community. The most important criterion for measuring our success will be the students’ value of their capabilities for learning.
The Administration will be strong leaders who:- Communicate effectively in an open, timely, and organized manner.
- Are accessible to all, visible on campus, and advocates for children.
- Consider community input and can make and implement final decisions.
- Recognize the diversity in staff’s talents, abilities, and styles.
- Help staff develop their areas of strength and provide opportunities for professional growth through guidance and encouragement.
Staff members will be a supportive team of diverse individuals who are motivated to work in an innovative, shared environment with respect for one another. The role of the staff will be to:
- Instill in students a love of learning.
- Provide a safe, happy environment in which students can explore and grow.
Facilitate students’ success in the classroom by providing effective, caring instructions which help open the minds of students to their capabilities and awareness of what is available to them.
Model successful learner traits: discipline, enjoyment, curiosity and wonder.
The Curricula will be standards based to include multiple teaching styles as a means of reaching all learners implemented through differentiated instruction and will encourage and challenge students to rise to their highest potential through interactive and meaningful activities. Delivered with support from staff, parents and the community.
Designed to build and develop the necessary skills for students to become confident learners and contributors to society.
Students who promote from Warm Springs Middle School will have a plan for their future and an understanding of self. They will be well-prepared to succeed in high school socially, emotionally, and academically. They will be able to apply the values they learned at WSMS to their high school experience.WILDCAT P.R.I.D.E = Purpose, Rigor, Integrity, Determination, Empowerment
Last Modified on January 22, 2025