Phone: (951) 696-1428


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Johanna Zeitman

Welcome to Mrs. Zeitman's Fourth Grade Classroom!  Room E19

Welcome Students and Parents!  You are now on our official classroom website.  I am excited to be your child's teacher!  My main goal is to inspire in my students a life-long love of learning.  I believe that it takes both the teacher and parents to educate a child!  Therefore, an open line of communication is important!  Please feel free to send a note or e-mail me at  If you need to reach me quickly, call the school and I am at extension 2762.  If I don't return your call right away, it's because I'm out of the room or in front of the class teaching.  However, I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
 To reinforce at home many of the skills your child is learning at school, please utilize the attached "links."  I am happy you are visiting this website and I hope to hear about some links that you have used.  Happy Learning!
Mrs. Zeitman
Last Modified on August 12, 2020