Positive Behavior Intervention Support

    Buchanan believes in dealing with all discipline issues through PBIS.  The main focus of PBIS is to provide a clear system for expected behaviors in all school settings.  Our expectations focus on Being Safe, Being Respectful and Being Responsible and KAHFOOTY (Keep All Hands Feet and Other Objects To Yourself).  Through PBIS, we work to create and maintain a school culture in which all school community members have clear expectations and understandings of their role in the educational process.

    The purpose of implementing PBIS is to:                                          

    • Create a positive school culture
    • Create consistency among adults
    • Strengthen family and community partnerships
    • Reduce office discipline referrals
    • Identify students in need of more support

    Behaviors in and outside of class are categorized as minor or major.  Repeated minor behaviors will be reviewed by administration and/or our school counselor and parents will be notified.  Major offenses are dealt with by school administration and/or our school counselor.  Any major offenses are documented in our school data base and parents are notified.