- Antelope Hills Elementary
- Overview

Phone: 951-445-4110 ext 3301
Email: rheida@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Degrees and Certifications:
Associates Degree in Early Child Development, 2013
Bachelors of Arts in Early Child Development, 2016
Multiple-Subject Credential from National University, 2019
Masters Degree in Education from National University, 2020
Rachael Heida (Kinder Team)

Hello Kinder Families,
I cannot begin to express how excited I am to be at Antelope Hills and to work with the Kinder team this year. I have worked for MVUSD for many years now. I have made my way from a substitute teacher to student teacher and to elementary teacher, at various grade levels, all within MVUSD. I am blessed that I have now had the opportunity to teach 3rd & 5th grade at Rail Ranch and TK & Kinder at Antelope Hills.
Before teaching elementary, I worked as a pre-K teacher for about 7 years in various private preschools. It was that career path that inspired me to continue my education and receive a teaching credential, so I could teach TK and Kindergarten. I believe that this grade level is one of the best and opens up so many opportunities for me to assist students in building the foundations of a love of learning. It also gives me opportunities to encourage children to be creative and be free to express themselves in healthy environments. At this age, they are evolving so much, so fast, and I love being able to hold their hand, while believing that they are fully capable of letting go.
Another strong connection I have with MVUSD, is being a proud parent of 2 MVUSD students. Both my son and daughter are now attending Murrieta Valley High School. My son is now a Junior, while my daughter is now a Freshman. Murrieta has truly helped their passion and aspirations grow during the 8 years we have lived here, and I believe that I will continue that legacy as a teacher, for my students as well.
Please feel free to contact me anytime. I love working as a unit in order to best support each student's unique needs and abilities.