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Visitor Management System

visitors sign in at office Murrieta Valley Unified is a leader in school safety and we are adding another school safety tool, the web-based Raptor Visitor Management System.  Last year two district schools successfully used the Raptor ID system to check-in visitors and parents. This year we are expanding the use of the web-based Raptor ID system, which has been installed at every school in the district.  The Raptor Visitor Management technology is in place at more than 18,000 schools nationwide and over 800 schools in California.

Starting this week, every parent, visitor, vendor and volunteer that enters a district school will be asked to present their driver’s license or state ID.  Raptor scans the ID and checks the visitor’s name, date of birth and photo for comparison purposes against the National Sex Offender data base. No other personal identifying information is saved.  If no match is found, the system will print a  sticker id badge with a picture identifying them as an approved visitor.

If the system raises a question about a visitor’s background, the school administrator will meet with the visitor. 

Upon your initial visit the process will take a couple of minutes, however, on return visits the system has the ability to process the required information much faster.  Please remember that you must bring your driver’s license or state Identification each time you visit one of our campuses.

We know the safety of your child is as important to you as it is to us so we ask for your patience and cooperation as this new system is implemented at all our schools.   If you have any questions, you may speak with your school’s principal or our Safe Schools Administrator, Dale Velk at 951 696-1600 ext. 1155.