• Beth Enniss, RN

    Thompson Middle School Nurse


     (951) 696-1410 x4592 
    Fax (951)304-1692 
    For additional health services information and immunization requirements, click here.  

    Our health office is open and available to students throughout the day. Our goal in the health office is to help your child feel well enough to get back to the classroom as quickly as possible.  
    If your child is not feeling well, they just need to ask for a pass to the health office. If you are called to pick your child up from school, please remember to bring a photo I.D..  If your child texts you that they don't feel well and you think you need to pick them up, please tell them to ask for a pass to the health office. This will ensure that they are in the health office when you get here.
    Medications can only be given by our staff if I have received an order from an MD, DO, NP or PA. If you need to give your child an occasional Advil or Tylenol, you are allowed to bring it to the health office and hand the medication directly to your child. If your child's doctor orders a medication to be given at school, use the Physician's Medication Authorization Form. If your child needs to carry an inhaler or EpiPen, use the Self-Administration form.
    If your child has a food restriction due to health reasons, please have your physician fill out the Medical Statement for Cafeteria form and send it in to the health office. I will forward it to our Director of Nutrition Services, Jill Lancaster.


Last Modified on May 3, 2021