• Use a regular decks of cards.  Use the number cards of two suits.  Play memory.  Practice saying the number names as you turn over the cards.  Also, with all four suits play "Go Fish".

    • Buy two children's decks of number flash cards.  Play memory or "Go Fish".

    • Number magnets are fun...place a number magnet(s) onto a cookie sheet and have your child count out that many shape magnets.  Purchase disk-shaped magnets at office supply stores or shape magnets and number magnets at the teacher store.

    • Calender Bulletin Board Numbers (purchased at the teacher's store) or make individual cards from 1 to 30.  Mix them up and have your child put them in counting order.

    • Click on the link and print out the game to play...

    Teddy Tug  Teddy Tug ... a counting game

Last Modified on January 24, 2022