Welcome to School

Phone: 951-894-5085 ext. 2951


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Kemble

Welcome to 3rd Grade! 

    I am glad you are going to be in my class this year!  There are some nice kids in our class and I know you will have a good year.  I like to do a lot of arts and crafts projects mixed in with our class work.  We work really hard, but we also have a lot of fun times too.  

    3rd Grade is a lot of fun! Your parents' PTA membership pays for our field trips and school activities, so please ask them to become PTA members!  We like to win contests in our class, and PTA gives us great prizes and incentives!  Keep your eyes open for these emails!  I use SignUpGenius to ask for donations for our class, such as party supplies or craft donations for our holidays.

     Each student gets their own laptop for learning and research in class.  We provide inexpensive earbuds, but you may use your own ear buds or headphones from home.  They will use a plug in jack or a USB port.  Once the plug in port is damaged, your child will need to use a USB port for their computer. You are responsible for your supplies, so please keep them safe, in a zip lock bag, in your desk or in your backpack with your name on them.

    Teachers and parents will communicate between home and school through email: lkemble@murrieta.k12.ca.us. Students can email me on our class Canvas page, which is a secure communication tool for students.  Our homework, assignments, classwork, art projects, awards, resources, and other information about our class is found on our Canvas page.  Parents, please join our Canvas page as an Observer so you have access to materials, or if you need to reprint missing homework. 

   Students, I know you will try your hardest to always do a good job, and I will work just as hard to make sure you are ready for fourth grade and have fun learning!


   Mrs. Kemble


School Supplies Your Child Needs 2024-25

* 2 Pocket Homework Folder                                       

* 3 Spiral Notebooks (we will label them in class)

* Box of Ticonderoga #2 Pencils                                 

* 4 Dry Erase Markers (I'll supply the white board)

* Packages of 3" x 3" sticky notes                               

* 4 Red Pens

* Package of glue sticks                                             

 * Pencil Box 6"x9"x3"

* Colored Pencils                                                         

* Crayons

* Wet Wipes!                                                                 

*Hand-Held Pencil Sharpener w/ Shavings Holder

* Boxes of Klenex!                                                         

* Paper Towels


Please fill out these forms and turn them in to the teacher within one week of starting school.

Media Release Form: Media Release Permission

Movie Permission: Movie Permission Form

Party Food Permission: Party Food & Allergies Form 

Parent/Business Request for Tax Deduction Thank You Letter: MVUSD Donations


How to Get Into Clever, I-Ready, or Canvas Apps:

1. Monte Vista Elementary School web page

2. Click on the Clever App

3. Select the app you want to use, such as I-Ready or Canvas

Canvas will get you on our class page where you can print off copies of homework, find spelling lists, or look at pictures of students' work.  You can also do practice spelling tests, and turn in Assignments in Science by uploading your one minute video.  You will need to make yourself an "Observer" of your child's Canvas account.

Your student's user name is:   956 _ _ _ _ _ _ @mvusd.org

Your student's password is:     Mvusd MMDD!


Last Modified on January 22, 2025