- Monte Vista Elementary
- Laura Hanson
Phone: 951-894-5085
Degrees and Certifications:
Laura Hanson
Hello Class,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year. I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday, Aug 10th. 4th grade is going to be amazing! I have all kinds of fun learning adventures planned that we will explore together. Remember that we are all learning new routines and login procedures. Be patient, keep trying, and email me if you are stuck or need help. Remember, Wednesday is a full school day. You will need your lunch (or hot lunch), a snack, water bottle, a smile, and your best "can do" attitude!
See you soon!
Mrs. Hanson
Ukulele on Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/Concert-Ukulele-Mahogany-Accessories-Electric/dp/B073J6H78D/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=vizcaya+23+in+concert+ukulele&qid=1635091853&sr=8-5
office 365. Login is:
username: 9digitnumber@mvusd.org
password: MvusdMMDD! (MMDD is the 2 digit month and 2 digit day of your birthday)
Most programs you will access with your 9 digit number and the password above.