- Thompson Middle
- Class Information
WELCOME TO 6TH GRADE LANGUAGE ARTS AND SOCIAL STUDIES!!!I am so happy you are here...It's going to be an amazing year.
Hello parents and students,
Welcome to Mrs. Hillenbrand’s Language Arts and Social Studies class! I hope you all enjoyed your summer! This is my 30th year teaching in the district and I am beyond excited to teach children of this age!
In Language Arts this year, we will continue to develop writing, spelling, and grammar skills. Our curriculum this year is titled, MyPerspectives, and the online version is called SAVVAS Realize. We will aim to strengthen students’ reading abilities by reading and responding to the district curriculum, as well as other literary genres. Our Social Studies textbook is, Impact Social Studies by McGraw Hill. In Social Studies this year, we will learn about archeology and the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt/Kush, Israel, China, India, Greece and Rome.
I look forward to getting to know you and working with you to provide your child with the best education possible in 6th grade this year. When parents and teachers work together, they can encourage a child’s positive attitude towards school and lifelong learning.
I strongly believe that it is important to develop a safe and nurturing classroom environment where each student has the right to learn, and all students can and must behave appropriately. To succeed in my class, please:
Show respect to yourself, your teachers, and your peers. Every choice has a consequence!
Be on time for class.
Come prepared with the proper materials. Always bring:
1. Sharpened pencils (at least 5)
2. Composition book
3. A binder with dividers (for all 5 subjects)
4. Lined paper (college ruled)
5. A plastic pocket folder with 3 prongs (you will need about 5 for the year).
7. Colored pencils
8. Colored pens OR Bic 4 retractable colored pen
9. 1 single subject notebook (college ruled)
10. Glue sticks
11. scissors
To create the best learning environment, I will be using a “3 Strikes” discipline policy. Students who struggle to meet the class expectations will be signing the “3 Strikes” book. On the third strike, students will receive after-school detention. Severe behavior will result in immediate removal from the classroom and referral to the principal.
Students who show respect will earn:
- Lots of praise and recognition.
- Individual and class incentives. I use a raffle ticket system.
- A sense of pride and responsibility!
Grades are weighted in both classes.
Please keep updated on your child’s progress by logging into Aeries. You will receive information on how to access your child’s account soon.
Please make every attempt to discuss concerns about your child’s progress as soon as possible.
Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for a 6th grader to fall behind because
parents may believe that once their child is in middle school, he/she is “grown-up”
and can motivate him/herself. I found that a middle school student still
need his/her parents’ continual support to be successful.
Homework is due the day after it is assigned unless otherwise stated.
Late homework will lose 5% each day, up to 50%, if not turned in on the day it was due,
and will not be accepted once the unit is over or the novel is complete.
I do accept late projects. However, it will lose 5% each day if it is late.
All assignments will be written on my Canvas page. Students are
Expected to use a planner/calendar to copy down
assignments from the board daily.
Please note that all incomplete/missing homework will negatively affect
your child’s grade.
Students are responsible for determining the assignments they missed while
they were absent.
Students will have as many days as they were absent to complete and turn in
missing assignments.
I urge you to be proactive in checking your child’s grades frequently. Utilize this tool! I try my best to keep grades updated. Do not wait until the last minute to discuss your child’s grade.
I want all students to have a fantastic learning experience in 6th grade at TMS. I am committed to ensuring your child’s success. I take special care to give your child the encouragement he/she needs to provide opportunities for success. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me!
Andrea Hillenbrand
(951) 696-1410 ext. 4523