• Classroom Supplies   supplies 

         Thanks for checking out this page!  The following is a list of supplies that students will be using this year in 3rd grade.  Most of these items will be provided by the school, but you are welcome to add them to your child's toolbox.  It's also a good idea to have a separate supply of these items at home so the kids don't have to carry them back and forth to school. 
        If you're the "giving-type," donations are greatly appreciated.  Please note the items in red below. We go through this stuff like teenagers through the kitchen pantry and I always appreciate donations of these supplies throughout the year. 
    pencils, crayons, colored pencils, highlighters, a sturdy pencil box (one only per student please), notebook paper (wide-ruled), a composition book, erasers, glue sticks, dry-erase markers, personal pencil sharpeners (the "quiet" type)
Last Modified on April 26, 2023