• Attendance

    In order for your son or daughter to receive the very best education possible, he or she needs to be in school every day. So much goes on in one day that the risk of missing important instruction or lab time can make the difference in a student's learning. We want all of our students to experience the most success possible.
    We realize, however, that students do get sick and will miss school. The law requires that we document these absences as excused or unexcused. Only parents or guardians can excuse a student's absence, provided the reason falls within the guidelines established by law. The only valid reasons for a student's absence (excused) are:

    • an illness or injury to the student
    • a quarantine of the home by a county or city health official
    • a medical, dental, optometrical or chiropractic appointment
    • other absences deemed justifiable by the school (religious holiday, court appearance, etc.)

    We have designated a specific e-mail address (located at the bottom of this page) as well as our phone number (696-1410, press #1 for Attendance) for parents to report student absences. When you call or e-mail your report we need the following information:

    • student's full name
    • student's grade
    • name and relationship of person making the report
    • date(s) of absence
    • reason for absence

    We will keep a copy of your E-mail for our records.
    We want to thank you for helping us to maintain accurate records on your son or daughter. If you have any questions you may e-mail them to the e-mail address listed below, or call 696-1410, press #1 for Attendance, between the hours of 8:15am and 4:00pm.
    E-MailAndrea Tjaden

Last Modified on February 16, 2023