- Thompson Middle
- PE Absence Make-Up
For every absence/note/injury/Parent Note, your child has, or Doctor's Note (loss of activity) due to injury, there is an opportunity to make-up for their missed points. Each day is worth 10 points towards their grade; if they miss a BLOCK DAY it is worth 20 points. It is their responsibility to make-up their missing points.This can be done throughout the semester up until one week before grade reports are due. I have PE Absent Make-Up forms in my locker room in a hanging file folder right in front of my office door.There are 3 options:1. Can attend Zero Period PE (only if not enrolled in a 0 period class) one day missed = 1 make-up day required;1 Zero Period for 1 day make-up; Tuesday-Friday.
- Student must arrive at school by 7:45 am at the Bike Racks.
- Student then goes to locker room to get changed.
- Student must fill out the Zero Period Make-up form before the start of class.
- Students should NOT BE TARDY!! Students will not be accepted into the class past 8:00 am.
The coach at that time must sign-off on a PE form for their attendance that day. It is the students' responsibility to get the form at the end of the period and to turn it into the Make-Up Turn in file in the locker room.
2. Attend a monthly PAW Saturday. Positive Academic Recovery weekend will be every month starting in September. Coach Marcus runs this Educational Saturday class that includes games, stretches, work outs, and health education.- 1 PAW Saturday is worth 4 days of point make-ups.
- These can be used for past or future absences.
- There will be a sign-up and this class does have a limit and will fill up fast.
- I will send reminder emails for sign-ups that can be done thru the TMS Webpage or the Link Provided in the email
3. On each PE Teacher's Canvas page there will be workout videos students can submit for make-up credits. There are directions on how to video using the Studio Option in Canvas to submit workouts.- For each day missed, a workout video must be at least 20 minutes in length. For a block day it is double, 40 minutes.
- There are various options for workouts that pertain to all ability levels.
This has been explained to your students in class as well as explained in the PE Syllabus that was signed by students and parents/guardian. Any questions or concerns please do not hesitiate to contact your students PE Coach.
Last Modified on August 19, 2022