- Murrieta Mesa High
- About Us
About Us
Murrieta Mesa High School is a four-year comprehensive high school that offers students an excellent 21st Century academic program that will allow students their choice of five college and career pathways, a well-rounded student activities program, and an competitive interscholastic athletic program. The school was named Murrieta Mesa High School because of its geographical location. With a view of the entire valley and the Santa Rosa mountains, Murrieta Mesa High School sits high on a mesa identified in an 1884 surveyor's map of the valley.
School Motto
“Pursue Your Passion . . . Leave A Legacy,”
Vision Statement
We Are:
Engaging, preparing, encouraging, and supporting, students to meet the challenges of the 21st century.
We Are Mesa!
Mission Statement
“We at Murrieta Mesa have a relentless belief in and unwavering commitment to students. It’s not a job, it’s our passion!
- Students will have a clear PURPOSE inspired by their passions and interests, supported by school-wide pathways, and a dedicated staff motivating them to develop and reach goals at Mesa and beyond.
- Students will learn how to take RESPONSIBILITY for their personal, social, and academic achievement.
- Students will demonstrate INTEGRITY through their engagement in the classroom, around campus, and throughout the community.
- Students embrace their DUTY by leaving their legacy through their academic achievement, community service, and co-curricular involvement.
- Students will pursue a standard of EXCELLENCE in the classroom, on the field, and in their impact on the community.
Description of Campus
The 256,988 square foot school opened in August, 2009. The campus has 82 classrooms, a library, administration offices, the Rams Den, a 750-seat performing arts theater and state-of-the-art athletic facilities including a stadium, pool complex, varsity and junior varsity baseball and softball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, sand volleyball court, and handball courts.
The 62 acre campus has a commanding view of the valley and the Santa Rosa Plateau. The total cost of the $126 million school includes $92.8 million for construction, $26 million for the land acquisition and $7.4 million for grading. Funding for the school was provided through the State School Facility Program, local bond measures, and other sources, including developer fees.
Instructional Goals/Program
The entire school community collaborates to ensure the success of each individual student and prepare them for post secondary educational options. To help ensure success, each student is assigned to an Assistant Principal and Counselor. The district support center staff, teachers, school support staff, administrators and parents are all actively involved in providing focus, resources, research data and instructional training for the continuous improvement of the instructional program at MMHS.
Green Team Feeder Schools
Elementary Schools: E. Hale Curran, Avaxat, Tovashal and Antelope Hills
Middle School: Shivela Middle School