Attendance Office (951) 677-0568  24 hours–7 days a week

    Report an Absence, dial ext. 6482 or  email us MMHS.Attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us

    Report a Tardy, dial ext. 6483 or email us MMHS.Attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us

    Request an Off Campus Pass, dial ext. 6483

    Attendance Clerks

    Sharon Kotyluk MMHS.Attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us

    Virginia (Ginny) Carlson MMHS.Attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us


    TO REPORT AN ABSENCE, dial ext. 6482 or MMHS.Attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us

    Please leave the following information:

    -the student's name (spell the last name)

    -date and reason for the absence (please be brief)

    -your name and relationship to the student

    -contact phone number


    ARRIVING LATE TO SCHOOL, dial ext. 6483 or MMHS.Attendance@murrieta.k12.ca.us

    To clear a tardy, please call the Attendance Office BEFORE the student arrives and leave a message with the student's name (spell the last name), the reason for being late OR, send a note (written and signed by parent/guardian) with the student, or walk in with the student. We also accept notes from the medical offices. 



    TO CALL IN AN OFF-CAMPUS PASS, dial ext. 6483

    Please call the Attendance Office at least one hour prior to the time the student is required to leave and leave the following information: the student's name, the time and reason the student needs to leave, the name of the person signing the student out, and your name and relationship to the student. The student will be called out of class once the pass has been signed. Please let us know if the student is driving. We will call the student out at the time requested.

    NOTE: Classes will not be disrupted after 3:00!



    These are UNEXCUSED absences. It is at the teacher's discretion to give homework or extra time to turn in missed work. (No disciplinary action will be taken for these absences, ie. Saturday School/detention)

    Truancy/Unverified absences not reported and not cleared within three school days will result in uncleared truancies with consequences, i.e... detention or Saturday School.

    California Ed Code states that teachers do not have to give make-up work for unexcused absences. Students should report to the attendance windows upon their return with a written note - however, if your parent or guardian has already phoned in the student can just go straight to class.  

    Unverified Absences (see list of codes below)

    The Murrieta Valley Unified School District Board of Education desires to emphasize the importance of school attendance. Therefore, students in grades nine through twelve, with excessive unverified absences (20 absences per semester) shall receive a failing grade and shall not receive credit for the class(es), Board Policy 5121.


    NOTE: If a teacher marks your student absent incorrectly, please email them as they are the only ones that can get this changed.





    X=Medical Appointments, Military, funeral, court, work and religion

    U=Unexcused (Personal business/Family Trips/Family Emergencies)

    T=Tardy, without an excuse

    L= Late to class, with an excuse

    E=Excused leaving early


Last Modified on June 12, 2023