- Murrieta Mesa High
- Overview
Welcome to Murrieta Mesa High School’s Health Office
951-677-0568 ext. 6493
Fax 951-304-1895
Our office is staffed with a full-time Health Technician, Kim Sirichaisintop, as well as a credentialed school nurse, Megan Moreno RN, BSN.
Kim Sirichaisintop: Health Techksirichaisintop@murrieta.k12.ca.us(951) 677-0568 ext 6493Megan Moreno: Registered Nursemmoreno@murrieta.k12.ca.us(951) 677-0568 ext 6492The main goal of the health office is to provide basic first aid or medical assistance to students and then either return them to class or send them home. We appreciate parental support with this primarily by providing us with a list of phone numbers of local individuals (if parents are not available or work out of the area) who have permission to pick their student up if they are ill or injured. Please remember to update those contact phone numbers (especially cell phone numbers) so that we can reach you.
Medication Policy: If your student requires medication to be taken at school, we must follow strict District and State guidelines. Those guidelines state that all medication (including over-the counter medication) MUST have written parent and physician permission on file (annually) with the school health office. Additionally, all medications (including over-the counter medications) must be kept in the health office-except for asthma inhalers, epi-pens and diabetic supplies. They still require all the same forms, but can be carried on the student at the parent’s and physician’s request. You can download the form Medication Form.
Health Conditions/Concerns: At the beginning of each school year, parents complete an Emergency Contact form that has a place for parents to include any health concern regarding their student. This is extremely important information to have, especially in the event of an emergency. If your student takes any medication at home, this is also important information for us to know. Please feel free to contact the Health Office and ask for the school nurse if you need to discuss any concerns regarding your student medical condition. If your child has diabetes and needs to take insulin or test their blood sugar while at school, we require the physician/parent to fill out care plan forms. Please contact the Health Office if you need these forms.
III and Injured Policy: Students are generally returned to class unless they have a significant injury or have a fever above 100. Please review the District policy regarding illnesses.
Immunizations: All students are required to meet County and State requirements for immunizations. If your student needs additional vaccines, please contact the Health Office for dates and times of local low cost and no-cost clinics.
For information on health concerns, health services, forms or the location of low cost/free immunization clinics: go to Health Services on the district website.
Help is available for students who are struggling with life or find it hard to cope.