Mrs. Mored lives in Murrieta with her family including her husband, Brian, and 3 children: Taylor, Randi, and Bryce.
Mrs. Mored enjoys spending time with her family, playing games, watching movies, and reading! Don't be surprised if you run into her at SuperTarget, Costco, or Trader Joes.
A Few of Mrs. Mored's Favorite Things:
Favorite color: Red Favorite season: Fall Favorite stores: Super Target and Trader Joes Favorite Restaurants: Panera, Amo Nakatl Asada, Gentle Grill, and Pick Up Stix
Favorite snacks: popcorn, dark chocolate (Justin's peanut butter cups), Oreos Favorite drinks: Starbucks iced green tea or black tea(unsweetened) with just one Stevia Favorite scents: pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, and coffee
Mrs. Mored at Inner Harbor, Maryland.