• Welcome to Mrs. Mored's 

    1st Grade Classroom!

    Parents: Please remember to check this page and your email often for any updates and reminders.

    Cole Canyon

    Cole Canyon Elementary
    Classroom #: E14
    Email Address: 

    Phone Number:  951-696-1421 x 2642
    Your child does not need to bring in any school supplies for my class at this time. 
    A refillable water bottle is highly recommended each day for your student.
    If your child will be bringing their lunch to school, I would suggest a lunch bag/box with their name printed inside
    All students have a snack/recess break in the morning, so you may also want to send a snack with your child's name written on it.  
    Student backpacks need to be able to fit a standard folder (homework folder is provided by me) inside for their weekly homework packets. 
    If you'd like to help our class (optional), we would really appreciate and use the following donations at this time:
    *Black dry erase markers
    ** Pack(s) of 8 Jumbo Crayola Crayons
    ***Yellow highlighters
    Thank you!
Last Modified on July 31, 2022