- Cole Canyon Elementary
- Mrs. Mored's
Mored, Joann - Grade 1
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Welcome to Mrs. Mored's
1st Grade Classroom!Parents: Please remember to check this page and your email often for any updates and reminders.
Cole Canyon ElementaryClassroom #: E14
Email Address: jmored@murrieta.k12.ca.us
Phone Number: 951-696-1421 x 2642Parents/Guardians/Families:Your child does not need to bring in any school supplies for my class at this time.Suggestions:A refillable water bottle is highly recommended each day for your student.If your child will be bringing their lunch to school, I would suggest a lunch bag/box with their name printed inside.All students have a snack/recess break in the morning, so you may also want to send a snack with your child's name written on it.Student backpacks need to be able to fit a standard folder (homework folder is provided by me) inside for their weekly homework packets.Donations:If you'd like to help our class (optional), we would really appreciate and use the following donations at this time:*Black dry erase markers** Pack(s) of 8 Jumbo Crayola Crayons***Yellow highlightersThank you!
Last Modified on July 31, 2022