• Welcome back fifth graders! I'm so excited about this year! 
    This is going to be an awesome year! Remember, we start Wednesday, August 14!
    Every Tuesday, Weekly Reports, graded assignments, school newsletters, and book orders are sent home.  Please read through this material and make sure Weekly Reports are turned in by Friday.
    Birthday Celebrations: Birthdays are fun to celebrate.  If you'd like the class to help you celebrate your child's birthday, we'll honor them on the last Friday of each month.  Please make sure you bring in "store-bought" goods with the nutrition label so that we're sensitive to those classmates with food allergies.
    Back to School Night: Thursday, August 22 5:30 PM
    School Picture Day: Wednesday, August 28th
    Book Fair, Week of 8/19. Our class will go on Thursday, 8/22
    Here's the link to sign up for band: https://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Page/39504 
    Pathfinder Science Camp, Wednesday-Friday, Nov. 20-22. $275.00 is due on or before November 3.
    Pathfinder Science Camp Information Night, Tuesday, 9/10 @5:00
    Pathfinder registration directions:  https://youtu.be/dzuOFMjqiBc 
    Stapled packet of graded work sent home:
         Friday, 9/13
         Thursday, 10/3
         Thursday, 10/24
         Thursday, 11/14
         Wednesday, 12/11
    Parent/Teacher conferences: October 14-18
    Non-Student Day, Friday, November 1
    Veterans Day holiday: Monday, November 11
    5th Grade Boosterthon Color Party @ 1:30, Friday, November 15
    Thanksgiving break: Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29
    5th grade Cold Stone Creamery pie fundraiser: Monday, 12/2-Wednesday, 12/18
    Winter break: Monday, December 23-Tuesday, January 14
Last Modified on December 11, 2024