• Welcome!

    Dear Families,  

          I wish to welcome you and your child to intervention. The adventure you and your child are about to begin will be stimulating, demanding, and fulfilling.

         Our responsibilities are many. I will help your child discover his/her possibilities. Your child will be encouraged to learn and flourish in a safe and dynamic educational environment. Your child will have the freedom to experiment, explore, seek, and question. He or she will fail or succeed without fear.

         It is your responsibility to have your child arrive to school ready and able to learn. A happy, well-rested child will meet the exciting challenges of school each day. Let your child know that their learning is exciting and wonderful. This sharing time will be most rewarding.

         I promise to provide a stimulating, educational experience. I will do my best to make sure that each student develops academically, socially, and emotionally. The classroom will be structured so that each child can achieve his or her highest potential.

          In closing, I am looking forward to an excellent school year. Please know that I am here to help you and your child in any way. Let the journey begin…



    Mrs. Melissa Waroff

Last Modified on August 8, 2019