• Here are some math links!


    A+ Math Coach

    A place to practice GoMath homework 
    This website offers a list of all of the skills students learn in first grade! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will even increase in difficulty as you improve!
    An interactive math website with flashcards and other printable work sheets
    A math website focusing on flashcards, time, and money and creating your own worksheets and games
    Great website to practice timed math facts
    Another great website to practice timed math facts.

    Language Arts and Math websites:

    A math and reading website.  Look for 'The Money Changer' and many other fun learning games
    A reading and math website that features arcade games