- Lisa J. Mails Elementary
- Spelling Activities
Ramirez, April - 1st Grade
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Here are some fun and different ways to practice spelling words! You may do any of these instead of the spelling ideas on the weekly homework sheet. Just write them down so I know what your child did! Have Fun!
1. Make flashcards and hang them in your house or use the powerpoint flashcards to study2. Put words in ABC order
3. Write words with glue and sprinkle with glitter
4. Write words in the dirt
5. Write a word that rhymes with each spelling word (use words not on the spelling list)
6. Write the words 2x's each on cards to play concentration/fish
7. Write the words and highlight the vowels
8. Cut out the words from a magazine/newspaper
9. Write words on someone's back
10. Write words in pudding/whip cream/shaving cream or ?
11. Put words into sentences
12. Write words in puffy cloud-like letters: STUDY
13. Paint your spelling words
14. Write words in a tray of salt or sugar
15. Write words forming them out of play dough or cookie dough
16. Write vowels in one color and consonants in another
17. Make words using alphabet stickers or stamps
18. Take a practice spelling test.
19. Use Scrabble tiles to spell your words.
20. Write words with felt pens, markers, or crayons.
21. Spell words verbally in the car.
22. Go to spellingcity.com- you can put in your spelling words and play games to learn them.
23. Figure out the price of each word: a,f,k,p,h = 1 cent
b,g,l,q,v, = 2 centsc,h,m,r,w = 3 cents
d,i,n,s,x = 4 cents
e,j,o,t,y,z = 5 cents
24. Make a pyramid: m
More Challenging
25. Look up words in the dictionary and write their definition
26. Write a story using at least 6 of your spelling words
27. Make a word search with your spelling words
28. Write words 5x each
29. Make a song using 6 of your spelling words
30. Type all of your spelling words on the computer or on a typewriter.