- Lisa J. Mails Elementary
- Goka, Heather

Phone: 951-304-1800
Degrees and Certifications:
Masters in Curriculum and Instruction from American College of Education Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from Cal State University San Marcos Bachelor of Arts from San Diego State University
Mrs. Heather Goka
With great enthusiasm, I would like to welcome your child to 3rd Grade at Lisa J. Mails Elementary School! We can look forward to a very enriching year as we learn and discover many new concepts.
I have been teaching for over 10 years and am so excited to be part of the Monarch Family! It is my goal for all of my students to have a growth mindset, develop a love for reading, and always try their personal best. I love working together with families to ensure that we are able to help each student experience academic success. Please feel free to contact me anytime.
“The future of the world is in my classroom today.” -Ivan Welton Fitzwater