2022/2023 SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Enrichment Program 


    Teacher: Mrs. Roberts                                                            Class Meeting Time: 8:30-3:30

    Classroom: 306                                                                     Periods: 1,2,3,4,5,6                          

    Phone Number: (951)-677-0568 Ext:6306                             Email: kroberts@murrieta.k12.ca.us



    Our class is designed for students who are unable to learn in the traditional classroom environment due to difficulties with inhibition control, social skills, and/or emotional regulation. Our students need a highly structured class setting with a main focus area of behavioral shaping or modification. Our students have access to a smaller class size, mental health services, embedded social/emotional curriculum and access to familiar staff that understand emotional regulation and emotional triggers. The curriculum will follow the regular education models with a diploma bound focus as appropriate. IEP-Goals and Objectives will be covered in small group and one-on-one activities. General Education and Special Education Staff will implement accommodations and modifications on an individualized basis.

    We will also be working on a variety of lessons that will help our students deal with the outside pressures and stressors that trigger maladaptive behaviors. Some of the topics that we will cover will be:

    • Positive relationship building
    • Responsible decision making and problem solving
    • Social, emotional and academic growth
    • Conflict resolution
    • Meaningful participation in school and community
    • Positive communication and interaction
    • Improved self-esteem
    • Resiliency
    • Stress Management
    • Goal Setting
    • Mindfulness


    With behavioral management playing a major element in the success of our program, we will be focusing on utilizing proactive strategies and teaching students about coping skills to help them deal with common triggers (causes of behaviors). These strategies help to decrease the frequency and duration of maladaptive behaviors by teaching the student how to utilize an intervention strategy to process and cope with their emotions. Another key element of our program is the implementation of our behavioral point sheets and class economy system. These components are designed to reinforce positive behavior and keep all aspects of the system as structured as possible. Students will receive point sheets on a daily basis. Point sheets will track student behavior and their level of engagement in classroom activities. Point Sheets monitor student behavior as well as provide a communication tool between the teacher and parents/guardians.  Students are expected to bring their parent/guardian signed Point Sheet back to class the following day. Point sheet scores will be exchanged for behavior points that can be utilized for purchasing various reinforcing activities/items in our student store. These reinforcers play a very important role in the success of our program.


    Mental Health services will be provided as indicated on your student’s Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) which may include individual and/or group counseling. This year we have asked each family member if they are open to including case management services on their IEP. Case management is individual contact with each parent or legal guardian in order to maintain better communication regarding your student’s progress toward their mental health goal. The larger goal of Mental Health services at MMHS this year is to provide a reduction in behavioral referrals and suspensions. The hope is that more communication with parents and legal guardians will support this goal. Feel free to contact the mental health therapist assigned to MMHS for any additional information.


    • BP English
    • BP Math
    • BP Science
    • BP History
    • BP Study Skills
    • BP Intro to World Languages

    The SDC subjects taught in our classroom meet the Murrieta Valley Unified School District graduation requirements. They do not meet the UC/CSU requirements. The instructional materials used in class are the same materials used in the General Education courses offered at MMHS. All classes are modified to meet each individual and their educational needs. All classes follow the educational standards set by the state of California.


    Homework is typically given when work cannot be completed in class. Students will be expected to complete and turn in homework when it is due. Students will be expected to complete various creative projects and other assignments that may be required to complete at home. If a student is assigned homework, it will be noted on their Point Sheet.


    Tests and quizzes will be given in class. Students will be given advanced notice of these tests/quizzes.


    This program emphasizes a great deal of group and individual work. All grades in our class are based on a cumulative point system. Higher point values will be placed on essays, tests, and quizzes. Homework, group work, journal writing, and classroom work will receive lesser point values.


    • A three-ringed binder
    • A set of dividers
    • The following writing instruments: (pencils, pens, highlighters, and colored pencils).
    • Lined paper