- Murrieta Mesa High
- *Drama II
Ryan, Christopher
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Welcome to MMHS Drama II
Cast List for Enchanted Bookshop
Posted Friday, October 18 after 3:45p.m.m
Dear parents and students,
Welcome to our second step in our pathway to professional acting. The focus of our second class is to advance the basic skills and expand the experiences of each student.
Our course description:
Course # 6550Prerequisite: Audition with teacher
Length: YearThis course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirement for Visual and Performing Arts.
The course emphasizes the preparation of scenes and monologues for classroom presentation, competition and study of period acting styles, stage direction and production techniques. Theater history and vocabulary are also covered. Assessment techniques include in class performance in front of a live audience, video taping, written assignments and tests.
Class Syllabus:
1st Semester…
- Reviewing basic acting skills
- The 7 W’s of Acting
- Understanding the process of choosing, developing and producing a full length show
- Advanced Blocking Skills
- Advanced public Speaking
- Comedy vs. Tragedy
- Script reading and writing (including reviews and critics)
- Job Descriptions for theater personnel
- Fairy Tale Theater (set, costumes, acting)
- Introduction to set building and design
- Auditions and resumes
(both semesters end with written finals on the skills learned throughout the term)
2nd Semester
- Introduction to costuming
- Advanced Script writing
- Puppet Scripting and Creation
- Performing opportunities including theater and film
- Breaking down a scene/elements
- Elements of Acting from the past (Historical perspective)
- Combat Skills in acting
- Poetry
- Live production in front of an audience (School and after school opportunity)
- Resume update/professional requirements for theater
Recommended Classroom supplies
- A spiral notebook (at least 80 pages)
- A variety of pens and pencils
- Graph Paper
Supply Donation: We are always in need of colored copy paper, Kleenex and dry board markers. If you would like to make a donation, it is VERY MUCH appreciated.
I have some basic classroom rules that I would like to share with you:
- “Everyone does the work” is the theme for my class. We promote a strong work ethic and encourage students to try (“I can always try”) every assignment and to turn in each requirement on time.
- Students stay on task and remain in their seats during class. Wandering or doing other things can be a distraction not only to the student, but also to the others in the class.
- Students are encouraged to talk and ask questions using the procedure of “raising hands”. This way, everyone in the class gets the chance to be heard. I also feel that there are no “dumb questions.” I want every student to feel completely comfortable in my class so that all comments and questions can be openly shared.
- Students need to demonstrate respect, politeness and courtesy to both teacher and students in the classroom. We wish to promote a very positive environment for each student in our class.
- Students who are absent need to take the responsibility to get and make up all missed work. In our classroom, we have a calendar that lists all of the homework for each semester. Students are welcome to come in before or after class and get the information and ask questions if necessary.
If a rule is broken, or a student acts inappropriately in class, we work with the following procedures…
- The first infraction of a rule is given a warning (unless it is a severe violation – fighting, inappropriate language, etc.). For severe behavior, refer to the fourth infraction.
- The second infraction is a time-out and a short meeting with the teacher about classroom rules and teacher expectations. This is a very positive meeting to get us both on the same page.
- The third infraction is a meeting with the teacher and a quick note home to the parents (a letter of concern or a quick email sharing the problems we are having in school).
- The fourth infraction will result in a meeting with school administration and parents, getting everyone in the loop and solving the problem together.
Our goal is to create the best learning situation for each and every student. If you ever have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Christopher J. Ryan
Drama Director
Murrieta Mesa High School