• We are Bucket Fillers!

    In our classroom, we will work hard to be "bucket fillers", not "bucket dippers"! But what are "bucket fillers" and "bucket dippers"? We're going to read the book Have You Filled a Bucket Today?. 

    This book tells the story of how everyone, all over the world, carries an invisible bucket with them. The way that we treat others can fill their buckets when we are kind, or we can dip from their buckets when we use unkind words and actions. Other people can fill or dip from our buckets too.
    In the first few days of school, we will spend time learning how we can fill other peoples' buckets and learning how to avoid dipping from them! You'll be able to fill your friends' buckets in our classroom by writing positive notes to them. We will read what is inside of our buckets every Friday!
    1. Strategy 1 (Prevent Bucket Dipping): This can be achieved by becoming conscious, by always asking “Am I adding or dipping?”, by preventing dipping, by positively influencing people around and by avoiding persistently negative people. 
    2. Strategy 2 (Shine a Light on What is Right): This can be achieved on by focusing on what’s right instead of what’s wrong. Help others to feel positive and acknowledge others when they fill your bucket. The website also has a “Positive Impact Test” to assess the current level of positive impact as well as to monitor the improvements.
    3. Strategy 3 (Make Best Friends): This can be achieved by making best friends at work or outside.
    4. Strategy 4 (Give Unexpectedly): People prefer unexpected gifts as it has an element of surprise. It does not have to be an expensive or tangible gift (like trust and responsibility). Seek chances to give.
    5. Strategy 5 (Reverse the Golden Rule): Reverse the golden rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” into “Do unto others as they would have you do unto them”. Read carefully, you’ll get it.

Last Modified on August 13, 2013