• About MVHS

    The Mission of Murrieta Valley High School is to inspire academic excellence, to create a caring and respectful community and to foster integrity and character in our students. “Service and Commitment to Every Student Every Day without predictions.”

    Description of Campus

    The MVHS campus opened in 1990 and is housed on 52 acres and has 152 classrooms, computer labs, technology labs, photo labs, a video production studio, an automotive shop, classrooms for ceramics, food classes, science labs, fire science/emergency response training area, and a state-of-the-art performing arts center.  Athletic facilities include a swimming pool, gymnasium, football stadium, soccer fields, a running track, softball fields and basketball courts. In addition, the school has a library, cafeteria, administrative offices, and a staff lounge.  

    Instructional Goals/Program:

    Our commitment is to meet the needs of every student and to create an atmosphere where learning and excellence are the norm. Our focus is to motivate, educate and prepare students for college. If a student is prepared for the highest academic level, all post-high school options are available. The district support center staff, teachers, lead teachers, mentors, school support staff, administrators and parents are all actively involved in providing focus, resources, research data and instructional training for the continuous improvement of the instructional program at MVHS. 

    Feeder Schools

    Elementary: Murrieta Elementary, Cole Canyon, Tovashal, E. Hale Curran and Avaxat

    Middle: Thompson Middle School, Shivela Middle School


    MVHS Fight SongLyrics

Last Modified on January 21, 2025