Murrieta Valley High School Site Council
The School Site Council is responsible for developing a plan to improve instruction, services, school environment, and organization at Murrieta Valley High School. The California Education Code requires school site councils to:
*Measure effectiveness of improvement strategies at the school.
*Seek input from school advisory committees.
*Reaffirm or revise school goals.
*Recommend the approved Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to governing board.
*Monitor Implementation of the SPSA.
The Murrieta Valley School Site Council meets five times during the school year at 3pm in the Murrieta Valley administrative conference room. Meeting Dates are listed on the school calendar and on website at the beginning of the school year.
Application for Parents - Please contact Dr. Pettengill with any questions or to apply:
SSC Parent Application
SSC Bylaws
School Site Council Meeting Dates