• Hello! Welcome to Anime!

    Advisor: Bill Crookshank
    President: Breanna Fox
    E-mail Address: wcrookshank@murrieta.k12.ca.us
    Phone number:  951-696-1408 Ext. 5677

    The purpose and objective of this club is to develop friendships through a common love, Anime!  Members share their drawing talents and knowledge of all things Anime.  We learn about the interests of fellow Anime enthusiasts and Japanese culture...especial sushi♥ . The members of this club may also share interests in Korean, Vietnamese and other Asian cultures.  We often listen to Anime music and play fun Anime-based games.  Come join us!
    This club meets Thursdays in Room 677 from 2:30-4:00 PM. 
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Last Modified on September 16, 2022