- Murrieta Valley High
- Español III - Apuntes
Nylander, Bridget
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el presente continuo
El presente continuo: Other types of present progressive | You can also make a present progressive using the verbs IR, ANDAR or SEGUIR instead of ESTAR.
Remember you still need to add a present participle afterwards (ando/iendo)
This does slightly change the meaning of what you are saying. | ||||||
IR+ ando/iendo | Ir changes to mean “slowly but surely”
Los estudiantesvanaprendiendoel español. The studentsare slowly but surelylearningSpanish | ||||||
Andar + ando/iendo | Andar here means “going around”
Isabelandabuscandotrabajo Isabelis going aroundlookingfor work. | ||||||
Seguir + ando/iendo | Seguir here means “still, continues to” Seguir (e-i)
Nosotrosseguimosbuscandotrabajo Weare stilllookingforwork. Weare continuingto look forwork | ||||||
Indirect/direct/reflexive pronouns? | As with the present progressive, all pronouns
Go- 1. BEFORE the conjugated verb
Nosotrosnosseguimos durmiendo en clase.
2. ATTACHED to the present particple (ando/iendo)
Nosotros seguimos durmiéndonosen clase | ||||||
1. Anthony is going around gathering fund for the homeless. 2. We continue /are continuing to beautify our school. 3. You guys are slowly but surely waking up. 4. I continue to better the environment. 5. You are slowly but surely appreciating/valuing other cultures. | 1. Antonio anda juntando fondos para la gente sin hogar
2. Seguimos embelleciendo nuestra escuela
3. Ustedes van despertándose.
4. Yo sigo mejorando el medio ambiente.
5. Tú vas valorando otras culturas. |