verbos como gustar

Some verbs require the use of an indirect object pronoun (IOP) along with the verb.

IOP-me, te, le, nos, les

The verbs are conjugated (in whatever tense necessary) according to the “thing” (noun) or “action” (verb) and not the “person” just like gustar.(This can be very different from English)

Me gustan los deportes. or Los deportes me gustan.

Sports are pleasing to me (I like sports)

Me gusta jugar al béisbol

To play baseball is pleasing to me (I like to play baseball)

The IOP comes right in front of the verb. Usually the indirect object “person” goes in front of the IOP, preceded by a personal “a”

A Bob le gustaba nadar.


Bastar-to be enough

Caer bien/mal-to “like” to fall well/poorly with...

Doler (o-ue)-to hurt

Faltar-to lack

Hacer falta-to lack

Parecer-to seem

Placer-to please

Quedar bien/mal-to look good/bad on. or to fit well/poorly..

Sobrar-to have left overs/extras

Tocar (a uno)-to be one's turn

Disgustar-to be unpleasing

Molestar-to bother/bug

Encantar-to delight, to “love”

Fascinar-to fascinate

Interesar-to interest

Importar-to be important

A Bob le duelen las piernas-The legs hurt Bob. Bob´s legs hurt.

¿A ti te cae bien la maestra?-Do you like the teacher. Does the teacher fall in your good graces.

A nosotros nos parece bien. It seems good to us.

A ustedes les queda bien el color rojo. Red looks good on you guys.

A nosostros nos toca. It´s our turn.

1. Betty loves to read.

2. Is school important to you?

3. Spanish doesn´t interest the students.

4. It´s your turn.

5. The denim shirt doesn´t look/fit Bob well.

6. I don´t like to wear skirts. They bother me.

7. We have 1 extra/left over dangling earring.

8. My head hurts.

9. He doesn´t fall well with us.