El subjuntivo #1-Impersonal Expressions

What is the subjuntive?The subjuntive is a mood, not a tense. A tense states the time of the action, a mood expresses our feelings about it.
How do I know when to use the subjuntive?When using any of the following impersonal expressions:

Es bueno que....
Es importante que....
Es lógico que....
Es malo que....
Es mejor que....
Es necesario que...
Es peligroso que...
Es posible que...
Es probable que...
Es raro que....
Es ridículo que...
Es trise que...
Es una lástima que...

The subjuntive tense will ALWAYS follow the QUE in these expressions.

What are the present tense subjuntive endings?




Don't forget old rules.These rules still apply to keep the sound correct.

Stem-changers still change!
Reflexive verbs stay reflexive.

Práctica1. It's good that you study.
2. It's important that we listen.
3. It's bad that they don't eat well.
4. It's rare that she wakes up late.
Respuestas1. Es bueno que estudies.
2. Es importante que escuchemos.
3. Es malo que ellos no coman bien.
4. Es raro que ella se despierte tarde.