• PLUS Program


    P.L.U.S. is a leadership program that utilizes social leaderhsip qualities to connect students on our campus.  A diverse cross-section of student leaders facilitate a series of activities that create a caring community amongst the student body.  Using a variety of methods, which are designed to bread down wallks of segregation between groups on our campus, foster positive relationships for the entire student body and create activities that have been shown to build connections and meaningful participation for students.

    A team of student leaders are trained in facilitation strategies to implement activies of the PLUS program.  The foundation of training is to utilize activites that "create a culture in kids to take care of kids."  At the center of this activity based approach is a peer-to-peer led forum of discussion.  It provides an opportunity for young people to be empowered to engage in dialogue, bond with one another, and identify critical issues to create a positive culture and safe school climate.

    Advisor: Aimee Freemer
    Email: amfreemer@murrieta.k12.ca.us





    A few of the Murrieta Valley High School PLUS Team leaders had a unique experience where they were able to work alongside the founder of the PLUS Program, John Vandenburgh.  Team members got critical insight as they went through the responsibilities of the PLUS Team during a Forum.  They spent their Saturday with other Team Members from across Southern California as they learned the strategies on how to facilitate PLUS Forums with precision!  The monthly forums are an essential ingredient in building school climate and student engagement. 

    PLUS Team 2019-2020





Last Modified on August 13, 2024