- Murrieta Valley High
- General Policies
MVHS General Information & Policies
Below is a brief description of policies and items of interest. For a full description of all school policies, download the MVHS School Policies document from our School Information webpage on the MVHS website,STUDENT MVHS I.D. CARDS
Upon enrollment/registration, all students are issued an MVHS I.D. card. Students must carry their MVHS Student I.D. card at all times during the school day and while attending school activities. Lost I.D. cards must be replaced at the student's expense ($10). This card is also required when checking out books from the library, for Office Hours, or paying for items from the bookkeeper (dance tickets, etc.). For additional information, contact Veronica Ruiz.NUTRITION SERVICES
Nutritious meals are available for purchase for breakfast and lunch in addition to ala carte items during lunch and breaks. Menus are sent home monthly and posted on-line. There are two ways to pre-pay for meals and pre-payment discounts are offered. Click here for an on-line application for free or reduced price lunches
If your child forgets his/her lunch, bring it to the office with your child's name and room number clearly marked. Students who forget to pay for or bring a lunch will be provided with an alternate lunch.
MVHS is a closed campus. During the break/lunch periods, students are to remain in the Quad area. In the event of severe weather, students will be permitted to remain in school hallways during the lunch or break period. Students are not permitted off campus at any time unless a parent/guardian checks the student out after contacting the attendance or health office. Any student leaving campus must sign out at the Attendance Office and must be met by a parent/guardian upon leaving the attendance office - unless they are a student driver and their parent/guardian has contacted the Attendance Office to arrange for them to leave early. Student drivers must show their driver's license. Students are considered truant if they leave campus without following this protocol. For additional information, please contact the attendance officeLATE START/EARLY RELEASE
Seniors and Juniors may have an early release or late start period on their class schedule. Students are not to be on campus after their last class. They need to report to the reception desk if they need to be on campus outside of their scheduled day.
Students may come to the front office to request that a staff member contact their parent/guardian if circumstances deem this immediately necessary. Students are not to use cell phones/pagers during class time or in the library. These devices may be used in the student parking lot before/after school or during breaks and lunch times outside in the student quad area. For safety reasons, headphones are not to be used on campus. Please carefully review our complete Cell/Electronic Device policies in the Student Handbook.PARENT REQUESTS TO DELIVER MESSAGES TO STUDENTS
Please make travel and other arrangements with your student before he/she arrives at school. It is disruptive to the learning environment to call into the classroom or deliver messages, so we reserve this for emergencies only. Messages from other students will not be delivered. Contact the reception desk for further assistance or details.951-696-1408.
Bouquets of flowers, balloons or gifts should be delivered to the home. They will not be accepted at the front office for classroom delivery. While we join with you in the celebration of special occasions, these items are disruptive to the learning environment and will not be delivered. We also do not accept deliveries for food items, such as pizza or other delivered foods. We appreciate your understanding. Students need to be responsible for remembering their own books, lunches, cellphones, money, homework, sports equipment, and other necessities. We do not accept deliveries of any items for students. Please encourage them to accept the consequences if they neglect these responsibilities. Contact the reception desk for further assistance or details, 951-696-1408.
Parents, guardians, and community members are welcome to visit the school. If possible, please make an appointment 24 hours in advance to insure someone will be able to meet with you when you arrive on campus. All visitors must check in at the Campus Security Station under the red archway at the front of the school entrance. You will then receive a parking pass and visitor guest pass. We guard our learning time intensely; therefore, it is important not to disturb teachers during class time. In order to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment, students’ friends or visitors without approval are not allowed on campus at any time during school hours. Non-MVHS students are not permitted on campus at any time during school hours UNLESS they are enrolling and accompanied by an adult/guardian to the enrollment/counseling office.
Parent/Event parking is located on the North side of campus, off of Nighthawk Way, in front of the Performing Arts Center. Additional parking is located in the lower parking lots. During school hours, visitors must check in at the guard station located at the front gate entrance to the campus. A visitor parking permit will be issued and needs to be placed in the car, on the dashboard in full view. A visitor label will also be provided and must be worn in a fully visible area while visiting on campus. If you have campus security concerns or questions, please call 951-696-1408, ext. 5134 or visit the campus security webpage at https://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/domain/1428.
Students who drive to/from school must obtain a parking permit (at the Bookkeeper’s window) before they may park a car in the student lot. At that time they will receive specific regulations which will require a parent signature as well as proof of insurance and a valid driver's license. Students who do not follow parking regulations may be ticketed and assessed a fine or denied parking privileges. The student lot is off-limits during the school day. Students may not loiter in the lots. MVUSD is not liable for any loss, damage or theft in parking lots. Download a copy of the parking permit application form from the bookkeeping “Forms” webpage.
Refer to our Student Handbook
MVHS students can earn various academic and athletic patches and awards from our Athletic and ASB departments. To view a list of the patches, letters, and qualifications for earning these awards, click on the appropriate link below. MVHS guidelines for ordering and wearing a MVHS Varsity Letter Jacket are included in the Athletic Varsity Letter and Jacket Information link below:
Athletic Varsity Letter and Jacket Information - These awards are sponsored by the Athletic Department. Details are available on the Athletic “Varsity Letter Information” webpage, or call the Athletic Secretary at 951-696-1408 ext. 5256.ASB Academic Letter and Scholar Patch Award Information - These awards are sponsored by the ASB Department. Click here for more details!HOMEWORK & FINALS POLICIES
Homework philosophy is relevant and directly related to course objectives. The purpose of homework is one of the five examples listed below:
Introductory Homework: Introduce a new concept of information to be used later in class
Learning Homework: An assignment that adds to a student’s knowledge base that can be done independently
Reinforcing Homework: An assignment that strengthens a student’s knowledge base
Assessment Homework: An assignment to be graded that then helps guide instruction
Performance Homework: An assignment designed to allow the student an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding/learningAlthough the Murrieta Valley Unified School District recognizes that quality is more important than quantity, the following guideline is suggested in our Board Policy: Grades 9-12 may have 75 – 120 minutes of homework up to four days per week. It should be noted that in grades 7 – 12, the homework time may vary according to type and number of subjects a student is taking. AP/IB Courses also may require homework/reading beyond the four days per week. Many times AP/IB exams are given in the time period immediately following spring break, which would require students to study and prepare over spring vacation.
Make-up Homework Policy: When a student is absent from school, it is his/her responsibility to contact teachers upon returning to school regarding make-up work. The teacher may also be contacted via email or telephone. The time allotted for making up missed work will vary depending on the circumstances surrounding the absence, the actual time out of school, and the teacher’s classroom policy. Each student will make arrangements with his/her teachers for turning in this work. If a student is absent for three (3) days or more, the parent should call and request the work. Teachers will be given a 24 – hour notice to provide make up work.
The make-up policy for missing assignments when a student is not absent is at the discretion of the individual teacher. Please read individual teacher guidelines for their specific homework policy. Assignments may be corrected/resubmitted at the discretion of the teacher. Students are encouraged to correct/resubmit assignments when the opportunity arises.FINALS POLICY
Each semester ends with a final exam or culminating activity in each subject area. These exams are usually scheduled for the last 4-5 days of the semester. Final exam grades do not become semester grades, but are usually an important component of that semester grade. Make up exams are permitted for excused absences only. Final exams are to be taken on the day scheduled (see the current school calendar for scheduled dates). The expectation is that all students take their final exams on the dates scheduled by district/school administration.
DISTRICT SUPPORTVisit the Parent Center website at https://www.murrieta.k12.ca.us/Domain/56. For further information, contact the MVUSD office at 951-696-1600 and ask for information on the Parent Center.
Visit the Murrieta Valley Unified District's Special Education website.