• Approved Foreign Language Courses meet the (e) requirement for admission to the UC/CSU system.


    Grade Level: 10-12
    Course # 4013
    Prerequisite: None
    Length: Year
    This course meets District graduation requirements in Foreign Language.
    Introduction to Spanish is a yearlong course that emphasizes Spanish culture and basic conversational skills.


    Grade Level: 10-12
    Course # 4050
    Prerequisite: None
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.

    Students develop novice level skills in signing and in comprehension of signs. The course provides students with the vocabulary and structures necessary for primary ASL proficiency. The course emphasizes "survival" language skills necessary to convey basic ideas to a deaf person. The student will also be exposed to Deaf Culture.


    Grade Level: 11- 12
    Course # 4060
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in ASL I and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    Students develop intermediate level skills in signing and in comprehension

    of signs while deepening their familiarity with grammatical features of ASL. The course expands expressive and receptive vocabulary necessary to increase ASL proficiency. It increases visual perception, visual memory, signed fluency and length of signed interactions to enable more prolonged conversations with a deaf person. The student will gain increased knowledge of Deaf Culture.


    Grade Level: 12
    Course # 4070
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in ASL II and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    This course is designed to further enhance the students’ receptive and expressive sign vocabulary. It will continue to increase their visual perception, memory and fluency, while continuing to expose them to the Deaf culture.


    Grade Level: 9-12
    Course # 4200
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in previous English course
    Length: Year

    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements. It is required that 9 th grade students have a 3.0 GPA in order to enroll.


    This course provides students with the vocabulary and structures necessary for primary French proficiency. The course emphasizes "survival" language skills necessary to convey basic needs to a native French speaker. Customs, geography and idiomatic expressions provide a basic exposure to French culture. The development of concepts used to understand the relativity inherent in virtually all cultures will be encouraged.



    Grade Level: 10-12
    Course # 4210
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in French I and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    This course intensifies the vocabulary and structural development necessary for French proficiency and basic fluency. A deeper exposure to culture examines customs, geography, and idiomatic expressions, as well as the political, historical and philosophical influences in the French world. Basic concepts used to interpret literary works, current events, film and history are introduced.


    Grade Level: 11- 12
    Course # 4220
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in French II and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    The course enhances fluency in the language and familiarity with French expression. Students continue to develop vocabulary and structures necessary to integrate as a traveler, student or resident in a French speaking country. Students enhance their knowledge of French culture and history. Study involves general concepts used to interpret oral dialogue, literary works, current events, film, philosophy and history.

    Students further develop communication skills through written and oral form.


    Grade Level: 11- 12
    Course # 4225
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in French III and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    This course will give students an analytical perspective of the political, cultural, historical and philosophical influences in the French world. The course involves the study of advanced grammatical structures and general concepts used to interpret literature, current events, film and history through the analysis of specific literary excerpts in the target language.


    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4230
    Prerequisite: Grade B or better in French III with teacher recommendation and signed AP contract
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    This course prepares students to take the AP French Language Examination. Students receive in-depth training in speaking and writing proficiency, they learn to use advanced grammatical and idiomatic structures, and they receive extensive practice expressing their critical thinking through oral and written French language.
    Students are required to take the AP Exam.



    Grade Level: 9-12
    Course # 4300
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in previous English course
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    It is required that 9th graders have a 3.0 GPA in order to enroll. Students will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in German. Students will acquire extensive vocabulary, grammar structure and will be exposed to history, geography and culture of the German speaking world.


    Grade Level 10-12
    Course # 4310
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in German I and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    German II focuses on communicating in everyday situations. Students develop proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in German. It also increases students' knowledge and appreciation of diverse cultures in German-speaking countries.


    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4320
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in German II and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    Students will continue to further develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the target language. The course will include exposure to German literature, history and culture.


    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4325
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in German III and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course is awaiting UC/CSU and district approval for foreign language credit. German IV focuses on the development of advanced grammar and vocabulary. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are further developed. German literature, history, and culture will be explored in the target language.


    Grade Level: 9-12
    Course # 4250
    Grade C or better in previous English course
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements. It is required that 9th graders have a 3.0 GPA in order to enroll.
    Students will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Italian. Students will acquire extensive vocabulary, grammar structure and will be exposed to history, geography and culture of the Italian speaking world.



    Grade Level: 10-12
    Course # 4260
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in Italian I and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    Italian II is designed to give the student increased proficiency in communication skills. Students will acquire extensive vocabulary, grammar structures and cultural awareness.


    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4270
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in Italian II and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course is awaiting UC/CSU and district approval for foreign language credit.
    Italian III focuses on the development of advanced grammar and vocabulary. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills are further developed. Italian literature, history, and culture will be explored in the target language.


    Grade Level: 9-12
    Curso # 4150
    Requisito: Grado satisfactorio o recomendación del maestro
    Duración: un año
    Este curso satisface los requisitos de UC/CSU y del distrito para dar crédito académico en lengua extranjera.
    Este curso está diseñado para desarrollar el nivel del lenguaje académico de los

    hispanohablantes. En esta clase, los estudiantes tendrán clases de lectura y escritura. En las lecturas de la literatura iberoamericana, se harán énfasis el uso del lenguaje, vocabulario, escritura y estructuras gramaticales. Con la conclusión de este curso, el estudiante podrá tomar Español para Hispanohablantes nivel II el siguiente año.


    Grade Level: 9-12
    Course # 4150
    Prerequisite: Passing grade of 70% on the entrance exam and instructor approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets US/CSU and District requirements for foreign language credit.
    This course is designed to develop Spanish speaking students’ cognitive academic language proficiency through instruction in reading and writing. Spanish language

    literature, language usage, vocabulary, writing, reading and grammatical structures are emphasized. This course prepares students to transition into Spanish for Spanish Speakers II.


    Grade Level: 10-12
    Curso # 4160
    Requisito: Grado satisfactorio mínimo de una C o recomendación del maestro
    Duración: un año
    Este curso satisface los requisitos de UC/CSU y del distrito para dar crédito académico en lengua extranjera.
    Este curso está diseñado para continuar el desarrollo del nivel del lenguaje
    académico de los hispanohablantes. En esta clase, los estudiantes tendrán clases basado en el acercamiento de la lectoescritura. En las lecturas de la literatura iberoamericana se harán énfasis el uso del lenguaje, vocabulario, la escritura y las estructuras gramaticales simples y complejas. Con la conclusión de este curso, el estudiante podrá tomar español IV o español avanzado el siguiente año.


    Grade Level: 10-12
    Course # 4160
    Prerequisite: Passing grade in Spanish for Spanish Speakers I and/or instructor approval
    Length: Year

    This course meets US/CSU and District requirements for foreign language credit.
    This course is designed to further develop Spanish speaking students’ cognitive academic language proficiency through a literary based approach. Simple and
    complex grammatical structures, reading and writing through Spanish literature are emphasized. This course prepares students to transition into Spanish IV or Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish language.


    Grade Level: 9-12
    Course # 4100
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in previous English course
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements. It is recommended that 9th graders have a 3.0 GPA in order to enroll.
    Students will develop skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish. Students will acquire extensive vocabulary, grammar structure and will be exposed to history, geography and culture of the Spanish speaking world.


    Grade Level: 10-12
    Course # 4110
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in Spanish I and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    Spanish II is designed to give the student increased proficiency in communication skills. Students acquire extensive vocabulary, control of grammatical structures, and cultural awareness.


    Grade Level: 11 - 12
    Course # 4120
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in Spanish II and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    This course is designed to further refine listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Exposure to literature, history and culture in the target language will be included.


    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4125
    Prerequisite: Grade C or better in Spanish III or Spanish for Spanish Speakers I and teacher approval
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    This course will give students an analytical perspective of the culture, philosophical and political influences of Spanish speaking countries. The course will present realistic situations and provide specialized vocabulary. Sometimes referred to as “Spanish for the real world”, the course targets the areas including Spanish for
    Business, Spanish for Teachers, Spanish for the Medical Professions, Spanish for Law Enforcement, and Spanish for Tourism. Current events and topics will be discussed in the target language.


    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4130
    Prerequisite: Grade B or better in Spanish III or Spanish for Spanish Speakers II with teacher recommendation and signed AP contract
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements.
    The Advanced Placement Spanish language course seeks to develop language

    skills - listening, speaking, reading and writing - that apply in many subject areas rather than any single subject matter. The AP course includes the study of the Spanish-speaking countries, people and culture, inherent in the study of any language. Furthermore, the course will include a systematic review of the basic points of grammar and verb conjugations with emphasis on areas where Spanish and English conflict. The finer grammatical points that contribute to an increased ability to write and speak correctly, with minimal interference from the English language, will also be addressed in the course. Students taking this course can expect to spend an additional four to five hours per week outside of class time on homework, review, research and/or practice. Students are required to take the AP exam.



    Grade Level: 11-12
    Course # 4133
    Prerequisite: Grade A in Spanish for Spanish Speakers II or Grade C or better in AP Spanish Language with teacher recommendation and signed AP contract
    Length: Year
    This course meets UC/CSU and District graduation requirements for foreign language.
    This course prepares students to take the AP Spanish Literature exam and develop proficiency by analyzing and interpreting literary texts in Spanish. There is an emphasis on reading literature, thematic poetry and text analysis. It also emphasizes the composition of Spanish essays on a variety of literary topics requiring critical

    thinking, comparisons and contrasts. Students taking this course can expect to spend an additional four to five hours per week outside of class time on homework, review, research and/or practice. Students are required to take the AP exam.


Last Modified on February 27, 2017