- Murrieta Valley High
- Welcome
Meeting Notes Welcome to Earth Club!
Advisor Name: Dr. Marrett and Mr. FitzgeraldPresident: Sabrina Shalikar
Email Address: Marrett - dmarrett@murrieta.k12.ca.usFitzgerald - dfitzgerald@murrieta.k12.ca.usPhone number: 951-696-1408 x5724Raising awareness, restoring ecosystems, community service, building social networks, outdoor fun. Meets on Tuesday in Room 728Kim Hull's Slideshow of the SMRW Cleanup! Earth Club needs new members, especially freshmen through juniors! Underclassmen—start making this club your own! We do lots of fun things plus community service. We do beach trips, hikes, and help out at the Santa Rosa Plateau Reserve. Geo coaching is next. Think globally and act locally with the MV Earth Club.Free cookies, milk and other treats Wednesday at lunch club meeting in room 728.Recycling: Thursday After School
Internet Links
Last Modified on February 25, 2020