


    Welcome to AP Calculus AB.  You have an assignment out of the Calculus book which you will see in the box on the left and notes to take (Sections 0.1, 0.2, 0.3,  and Appendix B).  It looks long, but we are only doing the most important problems out of both sections.  Please check out a Calculus book from the library before you leave for summer and tell them that you need it for a summer assignmnent (NOT summer school).

    You may take notes from my website or from the book.  DO NOT write everything down.  Please just put the main ideas, things you have forgotten, key example(s) etc.  All four sections of notes should be a TOTAL of one or two pages front and back MAX.  This is just to get a little head start and to think about math again.  You will be OK. :)

    Please email me if you have any questions (dlewis@murrieta.k12.ca.us).  I will check my email approximately once per week this summer.  I am looking forward to seeing you in August.

    Thank you,

    Mrs.  Lewis

Last Modified on May 19, 2022