***IB News & Updates***

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  • IB Program Enrollment Process

    The IB Diploma Program is a highly respected, rigorous, college-prep program offered during 11th and 12th grades only at MVHS in our district.  It provides students with an opportunity to expand their critical thinking, creative and communication skills, while potentially earning college credit, receiving a GPA boost, and gaining positive recognition in the college admissions process.  Universities look favorably on the IB Diploma Program because they understand the rigor and preparation for college the IB Diploma Program provides, which leads to greater student success in college.


    Students interested in enrolling in the full IB Diploma Program for their junior and senior years should complete the steps below.

    1. Submit a completed and signed IB Registration packet to Mrs. Thornbug (IB Diploma Counselor - jthornburg@murrieta.k12.ca.us) by February of their sophomore year. This packet includes: an IB contract, an IB Academic Honesty Statement, and a two-year plan.
    2. Meet with Mrs. Thornburg or Mrs. Fields to confirm your 2-year IB Program plans and answer questions in February.



  • MVHS-IB Exam Registration Information

    You are receiving this email because your student is enrolled in one or more IB courses this year, and our regular IB exam registration window will begin on September 16th for the May 2025 exam session. Below are the instructions and links for you to complete the IB exam registration and payment process. Taking the IB exams is an important part of all IB courses. Scoring well on an IB exam can often award students college credit for their high school class, saving a significant amount on college tuition. Students are encouraged to take the IB exam for the course in which they are enrolled. Juniors in an HL1 course do NOT sign up for that exam this year (English HL1, History HL1, Psychology HL1 – do NOT sign up for those exams as a junior); they will complete the exam in the senior year (second year of the course).

    REGISTRATION SITE FOR IB EXAMS:  Visit https://user.totalregistration.net/IB/052073  

    Students must register and pay for their exams through the Total Registration portal above, using a credit card. Parents and students should both be present while registering to ensure that the correct exams are ordered and paid for. 

    How do I create an account?

    Use your school student email to create an account and password for yourself. If you created an account last year for AP or IB, please use that account, as this account will work for both exam registrations. Make sure you type your name as it appears on official school records, as the IB exams will display the name typed into the Total Registration system and this will be sent to colleges. (Parent accounts should NOT be created, as each account must be unique to the student.) If you want to register and pay for an AP exam, you will need to access a different link, found on our school website. You cannot pay for both AP and IB exams at the same time.


    Registration Window

    IB Exam cost

    Fee Reduction Cost

    September 16 – November 3

    $128 (includes TR fees)


    November 4 – November 14

    $138 (includes $10 late fee)


    November 15 – December 8

    $168 (includes $40 late fee)



    REFUNDS/CANCELLED EXAMS:  Students can cancel an exam until December 8th and receive a refund. There are no refunds for any late fees charged. NO REFUNDS AFTER DECEMBER 8th.

    FINANCIAL AID:​ As of the 2024-2025 school year, the FINANCIAL AID process has been updated. Free/Reduced Meal Applications are no longer required. During the registration process at the beginning of the school year, families fill out the Income Survey. The Free/Reduce eligibility status is tied to the household income survey. When you complete the Total Registration Application, check the box for Fee Waiver if you think you qualify. Counselors will review the Aeries data and process the fee waiver if it applies. If you do not qualify, you will be notified by the counselor. If your family’s financial status has changed since the beginning of the school year, please contact your counselor, so the Income Survey can be reopened for your family. 

    Please click here for a short video clarifying the steps to the registration process.


    1. Which IB Candidate Category do I choose?
        1. Anticipated – 11th grade full diploma student
        2. Course – 11th or 12th grade student in an IB class but not completing the full diploma
        3. Diploma- 12th grade full diploma student


    1. What exams do I choose?

    Select the exams you plan to take in May 2025 only. Make sure to select if it is HL or SL.

      1. Full diploma 12th grade students must also select TOK and their EE subject area.
      2. Full Diploma 11th grade students do NOT select TOK and EE options.
      3. Do NOT register for a test if you are in the first year of an HL class. (English HL1, History HL1, Psychology HL1 – do NOT sign up for those exams as a junior).


    1. How do I receive the fee reduction?

    Students who qualify based on the family Income Survey completed at the beginning of the school year during registration will be able to have a reduced cost per exam. Students must check the box indicating this status during the Total Registration process. By checking this box, the counselors will be notified of your request through Total Registration, and students will not be able to pay immediately at the time of registration. The registration will be paused until the counselor confirms eligibility. Please allow up to 48 hours for the counselor to approve the reduced price in Total Registration. Please do not wait until the last day of the IB registration window to process your fee reduction, as this process will cause a delay, and a late fee will be charged. Once approved, families can go back into the system to pay for the IB exams. If you register late, students on free/reduced lunch are still responsible for paying the full late fee.


    1. How do I know if my registration is complete?

    Registration is not complete until you click “confirm registration”. Print your confirmation page for your records when registration is complete. Verify accuracy of exams and levels before confirming your registration.


    IB Exam questions - Please contact Mrs. Alanna Fields, IB Diploma Coordinator at afields@murrieta.k12.ca.us 

    AP Exam questions or Free/reduced lunch approvals - Contact Mrs. Nicole Castro at ncastro@murrieta.k12.ca.us 


    2025 IB Exam Dates

Last Modified on December 5, 2024