•  IB Application Process

     Students interested in enrolling in the full IB Diploma Program for their junior and senior years should complete the steps below.

     1) Submit a completed and signed IB Registration packet to Mrs. Thornbug (IB Diploma Counselor - jthornburg@murrieta.k12.ca.us) by February of their sophomore year. This packet includes: IB contract, IB Academic Honesty Statement, and two-year plan.

    2) Meet with Mrs. Thornburg or Mrs. Fields to confirm your 2 year IB Program plans and answer questions.

    Submission of the IB Registration Packet completes the application process. If we have concerns about your GPA or pre-requisites, we will contact the student and parents for a follow-up meeting.

    We no longer require an application process with letters of recommendation or student essays. We will examine the student's GPA through the first semester of 10th grade to determine if the student is ready to begin the IB Diploma Program. Students who have a 3.5 and above typically are well-prepared to enter the program. Of course, our students who have had a 3.0-3.5 have also done well, but may require greater caution in the development of their two-year plan for the IB Program. We want students to be successful, not overwhelmed.

    Students no longer need to be identified as a freshman for the IB Program, as we have developed ways to allow students the flexibility of combining the IB Program with various other academic routes, such as CTE pathways, AP and the AVID program. However, students must take Spanish, French or German as a freshman to be able to access the IB Diploma Program.

Last Modified on December 5, 2024